When you Sick

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The outbreak took effect on you in the prison. You were a coughing and sneezing mess. Your face looked pale and you had horrible bags under your eyes.

Carl came into your cell and sat next to you as you laid.He put his hand on you face and just smiled a cute smile on his freckled face.

" Hey, Carl?" You asked weakly, looking up at him.


"You think I'm going to turn into one of them? One of those walkers?"You asked.

Honestly, Carl didn't know himself, but he felt hope. He didn't want to lose you now. He didn't want to lose you ever.

"No, your going to beat this,Y/N." He said with a serious face.

You smiled softly and put your hand in his. You  were happy you had Carl by your side and he was happy you were with him.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now