School Days Chapter 3

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Sophia POV
As I got up for school the next morning I turned on my phone and saw about 5 missed calls from jasmine I decided I would call her later, I'm not really in the mood to hear her mouth right now, besides I'm going to see her at school anyway. 

I removed my oversized hoodie and made my way to the shower, to begin getting ready for the day.

I turned on the water and waited till it got to the right temperature I wanted and then I jumped in.

I then began to feel the warmth of the water touch my skin and drops of water roll down my back and down my face and neck .

After I finished taking a shower, I then wrapped up in a towel and went into my closet and found a pair of skinny jeans and a new oversized hoodie and my old pair of vans.

As I began to get dressed I put the most important things in my bag, my books and my product.

I then made my way downstairs and quickly ran past my foster parents before they could stop me. I then began to walk towards the bus stop, I made my way past the crack house and the liquor store and then finally the bus stop.

I waited about 6 minutes until the bus finally came and then as I entered I then saw jasmine in our regular seats.

"Thanks for holding my seat" I said to jasmine as she moved her back pack so I could sit next to her.

On the bus it looked like segregation times, on the right side was the rich kids that went to the private school in queens and the left was the public school kids in the Bronx.

The bus made one more stop before it started its school route. The last person to come on the bus was a rich kid.

"Oh snap that's The Angel of Death" Jasmine  whispered to me.

"Really she looks a lot nicer then what I had in mind"I whispered back to her.

As Angel made her way onto the bus she sat on the left side of the bus.

I was little confused as to why she was sitting on the left side instead of the right side, until a teen boy yelled out.

"Aye I think your sitting on the wrong side baby" he yelled out to her

"Nah I'm on the right side, this uniform don't mean a darn thing." Angel said back to the boy

I was absolutely shocked with what she just said, I then began to think if she was really one of us.

As the bus finally stopped in the school area, before  everyone was finally off the bus I ran up to Angel at the last minute and introduced myself to her.

She shook my hand and introduced herself to me as well and we both parted our separate ways to school.

As I made my way into the school house I got the usual pat down and metal detector at the school, then when first
period started that's when I began to make my rounds, in the girls bathroom.
Selling dope and guns was my job, got my first customer around 8:30 and then that's when the fun began.

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