Hood Politics Chapter 1

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"Where's my money " the young red haired girl yelled out as she held a the cold silver gun in her hand as she pointed it at the young 19-year old boy in front of her.

"I'll have it by tomorrow I swear please just don't kill me please, I'm begging you".

" Sophia if you kill him I'm not helping you hide his body your doing that yourself" said another young girl next to her.

"Shut it Jasmine you handle your business your way I'll handle it my way so stay out of it,he's lucky I don't shoot him now but luckily I'm not as vulgar as you Jasmine. said Sophia

"Now get outta my house before I change my mind right now. Sophia yelled out to the young 19 year old.

As the young teen ran out the door Sophia began to put her gun back in her hoodie pocket.

"Damn you are one scary 15 year old" said Jasmine in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up Jasmine now help me put away my money before my dumb-ass foster parents get home. Sophia yelled out at Jasmine.

"Alright fine just chill out" said Jasmine as she helped Sophia put her money away.

After Jasmine left Sophia went straight up to her room and jumped in her bed to make it look like she was sleep so her foster- parents would think she's sleeping.

Little did they know what their 15 year old daughter was really doing.

After her foster parents got home and checked on Sophia in her room Sophia suddenly felt her phone vibrate under her pillow. It was a text from Jasmine.

"Ay the dude you almost shot today was just beat up by some girl down in Brooklyn they said he had six broken ribs, a broken arm and a concussion".
"Damn for real that's crazy, what's the girl's name." Sophia replied back.

"All I heard you was her name was Angel aka The Angel of Death."Jasmine replied

"Well their goes my paycheck, I guess I need to go and check this Angel for my money later. Sophia texted back to Jasmine.

" I don't know if you should do that she's notorious in Brooklyn, she beat one biggest drug dealers in Bronx half to death and he was 27 years old. Jasmine replied.

"Wait how old even is this girl anyway" Sophia replied.

" 15 just like you" Jasmine suddenly texted back.
"We will talk about this tomorrow I'm tired right now I'll see you tomorrow. Sophia replied.
As Sophia put her phone back under her pillow she began to think about this so called Angel girl and began to imagine what she looked like.
Maybe she was real big and tall and had muscles or maybe she is some supernatural chick or something.

A 15 year old beat up a 27 year old man that's just unheard of but I'll guess I'll have to find out about her sooner or later. Sophia later began to drift into a deep quiet sleep.

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