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Michael had just got home from work (which wasn't that long of a shift) and it was around 9 PM. He was playing with his new guinea pig that was rolling around in its shiny ball on his bedroom floor.
Michael decided it was late, so Luke Jr. should really get to sleep.

He carefully took the small creature out if its ball and opened his cage. Michael set Luke Jr in the fluffy bedding and latched the cage with the guinea pig inside.

"Goodnight little Luke." Michael whispered to his 'son'. He turned off his bedroom lights and walked out of his room. He closed the door behind him and headed for the kitchen.

"Do you wanna order a pizza?" Ashton said while rummaging around in the fridge.

"Yeah sure." Michael said.

"Great, how about peperoni?" Ashton suggested, and closed the fridge.

"Okay. What's the number?" Michael said, taking out his cell phone.

"Don't you have them in your contacts? We order pizza almost all the time!"

"Oh yeah!" Michael frantically scrolled through his contacts. "That's right, I put them as 'my heart and soul'!" He said as he found them in his contacts.

"Wow, I'm surprised that's not Luke's name!" Ashton teased.

"No way! I love pizza way more than I love Luke." Michael rolled his eyes.

"Wait, so you're admitting you love Luke?" Ashton exclaimed, turning around and closing the fridge.

"Whatever, I'm ordering the pizza now." Michael scoffed. He put his phone up to his ear, indicating that he had already called them.

Ashton pulled out his phone from his pocket. He opened Kik and started to text Calum.

Ashtonirwin: Hey Cal!

Ashton tapped his fingers on the side of his phone while he waited for Calum to reply.

Calumhood: What's up?

Ashtonirwin: Not much. But I think Michael just admitted that he loves Luke.

Calumhood: What do you mean?

Ashtonirwin: We are ordering pizza, and he said he saved the pizza place as 'my heart and soul' in his contacts.

Calumhood: What does that have to do with Luke?

Ashtonirwin: Shh! Please save all questions for the end of the tour, thank you.

Calumhood: Ok fine just tell me the flippin story!

Ashtonirwin: Ok so I teased him saying 'I'm surprised that's not Luke's name!' and he said, 'I love pizza way more than Luke!'

Calumhood: Is that it?

Ashtonirwin: So I gave him crap, saying something like, 'oh so you admit you love Luke?' And he got all weird and was like, 'ugh whatever'

Calumhood: Haha! Luke acts that way sometimes when I tease him about Mike.

Ashtonirwin: I wonder if they are actually a couple though. I know it's not necessarily my business, but I'm just curious, ya know?

Calumhood: Yeah, same here.

Ashtonirwin: So did Luke tell you about Luke Jr. yet?

Calumhood: Luke Jr?

Ashtonirwin: Yeah, it's Michael's new guinea pig. He named it after Luke.

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