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Michaelgclifford: That awkward moment when your vagina sounds like a frog.

Lukehemmings: Wut?

Michaelgclifford: That doesn't happen to you?!

Lukehemmings: No...

Michaelgclifford: Well it happens alot, especially if I'm on my period.

Lukehemmings: Oh cool.

Michaelgclifford: Sometimes it smells like fish.

Lukehemmings: I'm sorry that you have to go through that.

Michaelgclifford: Yep, it's very tragic.

Lukehemmings: So, whatcha doin?

Michaelgclifford: Nothing, really.

Lukehemmings: OHMYGAHD! I saw this really cute picture of a guinea pig on instagram!

Michaelgclifford: I want a guinea pig!

Lukehemmings: Me too.

Michaelgclifford: I'M GONNA GO GET ONE!

Lukehemmings: I thought you were broke.

Michaelgclifford: I just got a raise since I had to work for like 2 weeks straight during the holidays.

Lukehemmings: Oh that's good.

Michaelgclifford: Yeah.

Lukehemmings: So, do you think you could come over anytime soon then?

Michaelgclifford: Enough worrying about that! I'm focused on adopting our new son right now!

Lukehemmings: Wait.. are you being serious?

Michaelgclifford: Yes of course I'm being fucking serious! He's our son!!

Lukehemmings: Oh ok, cool! So what's he gonna look like?

Michaelgclifford: I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Lukehemmings: What about Ashton?

Michaelgclifford: What about him?

Lukehemmings: He lives in that house too! And does your landlord even allow pets?

Michaelgclifford: Well Ashton won't mind probably.. and I have no clue if they allow pets.

Lukehemmings: What if you get kicked out?

Michaelgclifford: Then I'll just come and live with you!

Lukehemmings: Ok sounds good! Do whatever you want, especially if it gets you evicted!

Michaelgclifford: Actually, I don't know if I could stand you that long.

Lukehemmings: Ugh.

Michaelgclifford: Ok I'm gonna go now and get our son.

Lukehemmings: NO dont leave me!

Michaelgclifford: Chill, I'll still text you!

Lukehemmings: Not while you're driving! I don't want my kitten to get hurt and not be able to come over!!!

Michaelgclifford: Ok sheesh, I'll text you when I get to the pet store.

Lukehemmings: Promise?

Michaelgclifford: Yeah

Lukehemmings: OK GO HURRY AND GET OUR SON!!!

Michael put down his phone. He slid of his bed and put on some jeans, and a flannel over his tee shirt. He grabbed his wallet and his phone and headed for downstairs. He put on a pair of black converse and headed out the door.

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