25. All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2/2

Start from the beginning

“I’m…sorry?” the final word came out like a laugh. “You would want me to kill Miko?” Tank asked. “Is he of that little value to you?”

“No, Miko means a great deal to me,” I said. “Which is why you won’t do it. You kill him, and you lose every bit of leverage you’ve got.” Something electric flowed up my arm. “You see, what I just found out a while ago is that you pull the strings that I allow you to pull. I freed Jacob. He is no longer a pawn in your game. I took that from you, before you could take it…so go ahead, Tank…kill Miko; you might’ve already. You lose your upper hand and taking you down is going to be just that much easier.”

“Well, well…” Tank snickered on the other line, “someone has put on their big boy pants it seems,” he grinned. “I am going to be expecting cops very soon?”

I paused. “The thought ran through my mind…but…I decided that what I want to do to you would be best kept a secret.”

He grinned again. “That’s what I like to hear, Evan!” he laughed, boisterously. “Why don’t you stop by. Bring yourself; anybody else will be killed rather slowly while you watch. I’m at the peer. There’s a secret little underground passage that you’re going to find when you get here. I will have someone escort you down.”

“Count on it.”

“Good. And, Evan?” he said. I didn’t respond, but he knew I was listening. “You didn’t take any puppets away from me. I cut their strings and they just happened to land in your hands.”

He hung up.

I hung up and spun around. This got me a heaping helping of male chest.

Kasper was staring down. “You aren’t actually thinking of doing something that stupid, are you?”

“He has Miko, Kasper,” I said and pushed passed him. I bypassed Chris and gave Ev’s shoulder a squeeze as I arrived at them. “I’m going to get some air, Ev.” I eyed Kimmy. Her eyes flashed with something. I was amazed at how little make-up she was wearing. "You can get some sleep whenever the doc calls you in. I’ll be there afterwards.”

She sighed, but nodded. “’kay.” She swallowed something. Her eyes looked really brown under all this white lighting. “I love you, little bro.”

“Don’t get all gay on me now, big sis,” I returned with a grin, but I still felt something sting my heart. “And I love you, big sis.”

I walked passed all of them and then outside. This was when I remembered that I did not have a driver’s license and did not have a car. “How on earth am I getting there…”


I sighed. “You’re not going to stop me.” I turned. Kasper, Chris and Bobby were standing there.

“We don’t want to,” Chris said and looked over to Kasper, who stood in the middle.

“We have a plan.”

It took twenty minutes for to get to the peer. The bus driver reminded me that this was the final bus for the night. I thanked him and got out anyway.

The night was cooler than I remembered it being earlier. Thankfully, no snow had fallen for the past two days. I still had on my tux from the dinner with Allen, which didn’t stop any of the harsh breezes that made sporadic appearances from making contact with my skin. I shivered almost every time.

As Tank said, there was someone there to guide me to where he was. That person was Miko.

Under one of the lights that were hung overhead on the peer, I could clearly see that one of his eyes were blackened.

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