Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

Niall's eyes have completely closed as the paramedics lift his still body onto a stretcher and start to push him out of the room.

Taylor and I chase behind everyone as the paramedics and the police officers drag Harry and Niall out of the room.



"Is everything okay Doctor?" Taylor says.

I turn to face the doctor with sad eyes as the doctors sighs and looks back at us.

"He has lost a lot of blood," the doctors responds, "fortunately, the bullet did not hit any vital organs, but during the time it took to get him into the Emergency Room, he lost a ton of blood."

"Yes..." Taylor says, "but is he going to be okay?"

"I would like to think so, but we're going to have to keep him here for a while to get his blood levels back to normal. He's lucky that's it's only a flesh wound because it could have been much worse."

"Thank god," I whisper.

"For now, he needs to rest," the doctor says then slowly walks out of the room and closes the door behind him leave Taylor and I with Niall.

Taylor and I both turn to face one another and we immediately embrace into a hug.

"What a crazy night," I say trying to hold back tears.

"Definitely," she responds, "but I'm glad Niall's okay."

Taylor and I hug for several seconds in order to compose ourselves before we unattach ourselves from each other.

"What is going to happen to Harry?" I say.

"I have no idea, but you know they're going to interrogate us soon."

"I know and that's what I'm afraid of," I say, "should I tell them the truth?"

"I don't know," Taylor says as she looks out of the window as the sun rises, "give me some time to think about it. I'm not sure what Niall and Harry would want me to do."

"Maybe we should talk somewhere else," I whisper, "you know, without Niall in the room."

"Good point."

Taylor and I exit the room and we both get a cup of coffee and have a seat in the waiting room. We are the only people in the waiting room.

"I know this is a sad time," I say, "but we still need to figure out what's going on. A further explanation to my being here would be a start."

"What do you mean? You already did what you came here-"

"No. That can't be it. There's no way I just came here to wear a dress and also, why did I do it if you guys know that Harry is mentally unstable? Especially when it comes to their mother?"

"I can't answer those questions Emily, you know I can't."

"So then what do we do?"

"We just wait. We wait to see if Niall makes it through the night."

I start to shiver as a cool breeze blows through the white room.

"I want to lend you my coat," Taylor says as she pulls her coat off her body, "here, take it."

I grab the jacket from Taylor, thank her, then slip it onto my body. I stare out of the window. The sun has risen above the clouds and light shines into the room. The ray of sunshine piercing the clouds is reminding me to stay positive during stressful and despondent times.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I tell Taylor.

"I'll come with?"

"No thanks, I'll be fine. Thanks though."

"Okay, I'll be waiting here," she says and slumps back into her chair.

I walk into the empty hospital bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror. When I left the room last night at the mansion, I tore that dress off my body and put on a pair of Taylor's sweatpants and her shirt. I didn't have time to take the makeup off, so my face still looks pretty good even though I've cried a lot. I guess expensive products are more durable.

These past few weeks have been the craziest few weeks of my entire life and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse and worse. I want my old life back. It was so quiet and easy. I wasn't happy because I felt alone, but at least I haven't been going through what I have been in the last few weeks! I probably sound really selfish right now. Niall should be the one complaining, not me, because he's the one who was shot and is experiencing life-threatening conditions.

I stare at myself for several more seconds until I silently exit the bathroom. I look to Taylor who has fallen asleep in her chair. I sit down next to her and deeply exhale as I contemplate everything that has happened since Niall kidnapped me a few days ago.

Suddenly, I hear the handle on the door slowly creak as it is gently being turned. I'm looking in the opposite direction of the door and I refrain from turning my head around to see who is walking into the waiting room in order to avoid contact with whoever the stranger may be.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I immediately turn around to see who just touched me.

My jaw drops and I jump out of my chair as I see who just entered the room.

"Taylor! Wake up!" I yell and shake her arms.

"What? What is it?" Taylor says, annoyed.

"Oh my god! Zayn's here!"


To honor Zayn's return to the story, what's your favorite song(s) on Mind of Mine? My faves are definitely It's You and Fool For You, but the entire album is absolutely amazing tbh

Also, please comment here your thoughts on this chapter and what you think is going to happen next!

Thanks for reading!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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