| Just Because Chick-flicks Shows |

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"Now, I understand all the chick flicks I've loathed, because I have turned into same sappy dork who wants to try all those things they show, because I'm simply in love with my boy :) "

-----------------------1 week later

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1 week later.

"So how's he is like?" Mom asked me, her eyes gleaming with excitement. I knew she was two seconds away from squealing, and announcing that her daughter is screwed.

As soon as she came back from her vacation, she noticed my ninja excitement and spark in my eyes that she wanted to see from years.

So here I'm now, sitting in front of her telling her everything.

I thought about her question for some time. This past week had been the best one of my life. Noah, the name changed my world.

Of course, I agreed sitting with him in every class I had with him.

But we don't really talk that much. When we talk, it's mainly about studies. Our silence is comfortable too. Sometimes, he is a total nerd but I can't blame him because he has a lot catching up to do.

And I?

I have turned into his secret admirer.

I would watch him frown in concentration whenever he solves a question. His lips would turn into a little pout when he gets the solution wrong. There were times, when I caught him staring at me. He would quickly advert his eyes away from me, but I never fail to miss that red creeping up on his neck. He always tries to make me laugh and smile, but he doesn't have to make any effort. Just his presence and voice are enough. These are the little things that give me hope that may be, my dreams could be real.

Mom snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me away from my train of thoughts.

She narrowed her eyes and watched me as if calculating my every expression.

"He is Noah." I replied to her question asked five minutes ago.

I couldn't exactly define what he was like. What to tell her? That he had this awesome personality and dashing features. That his hotness was bigger than Burj Khalifa.

Or that he never gave out any hint that he remembers me. And why would he remember in first place?

Sometimes, I feel like his eyes are speaking something else, they contain a mystery. His green depths swirls with too many emotions, when they look at me. I never could understand them because my mind always get locked up in their beauty. But I guess, I've to wait to know what future have in store for me.

"You are still struck with the name only," Mom pointed out with amusement.

Feeling lovesick, I sighed, "I don't really know mom, the things I'm feeling...is all brand new for me. Being charmed by him, I feel like a toddler again who struggles to get words for what they feel. I feel so giddy all the time. I don't think I can explain this."

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