| In Which The Dream Comes True |

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Song attached - The closer i get to you - Beyonce

" And then my soul saw you and it went like,'Oh there you are! I have been looking for you.''


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I kept my promise to myself and refused to sleep last night. I drank seven cups of coffee and read about 5 books all night.

When I got up to get ready for school today, every muscle of my body ached, but the pain was nothing compared to the emptiness of my heart.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss dreaming. What I'm doing is definitely insane, but I can't let myself get hurt day by day with the thoughts and wishes of dream come true.

It's better to get hurt by my own choice rather than the dream's choice.

I showered for almost half an hour and scanned my closet for a perfect outfit.

Unlike some people, I try to dress up when I'm sad. I put some effort on those days, because at least my body feel confident when my heart doesn't.

A white dress caught my attention. Not any white dress but the dress which I wore in my third dream probably. Later, I bought it and had a coke fight, it is still in mint condition, after laundry of course.

A flashback of that dream came to my mind..

"I was wearing a sleeveless white dress, with thin spaghetti straps, that made me feel outcast yet beautiful to this colourful ambience.

I smiled as a butterfly sat on my bare shoulder. It was a tingling sensation which sent a giddily feeling up and down my body.

He smiled, towering from behind me. He bend down a little and blew out a breath making that butterfly leave my shoulder."

I quickly blinked back the tears forming in my eyes from his memories. I didn't want to cry now. It would hurt, a lot.

I grabbed the dress and pulled it over my head. It fitted me perfectly hugging every curve on the right places. I wore a black stocking underneath and a black half shrug over the dress to complete my look.

I brushed my hair until it was perfectly straight and dabbed some lipgloss on my lips.

I sighed looking at the mirror.

I sighed looking at the mirror

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