She looks at me almost in amazement but she quickly goes back to her bitch face and walks out the door.

"You're still into that civil rights shit?" Jacob asked.

I pull his hair back in the sink and begin putting shampoo in his hair while massaging his scalp.

"It isn't shit Jacob it's important that black people are aware of the world we live in."

"Yeah I get h-how've you been?"

"You know what I find funny you can threaten me and then two weeks later try to be cool that's not how it works."

"I have good reasons c'mon."

"I'm just going to ignore you while I do this hair."

"How are you and Lucas?"

I didn't answer him it's none of his business I mean we're going good but that's none of Jacob's concern.

"I hope he's doing fine considering the circumstances he's in."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! Don't look into everything I say to deep."

I don't even respond to him I just continue doing my job. The only reason why I'm not bothering Lucas about him and Nick's conversation is because I'm keeping a secret too.  Seems as if everyone and their Mother knows what's wrong with MY niggaa as bad as it sounds I feel less guilty because we are both hiding something from each other.


I'm still contemplating on telling him, if I tell him I'm going to stay far away from him and God knows he won't let that happen so I'm in a tough spot. I think I'm going to tell him tomorrow or something man keeping this is eating me alive.

As I'm doing Jacob's hair I can't help but reminisce about the past and what we've been through together. He told me something and it'll always stick in my mind

"Look at us. We love each other this much because we're both equally fucked up. We're both not right in the head and I doubt there's anyone else out there for either one of us."

I still think about that, I think that's why I'm partially scared of losing Lucas so much. I found someone that potentially could be "the one" and I don't want to mess things up. I can admit I'm emotionally unstable and I'm just scared one day Lucas will get tired of my constant running and stay away for good.

It's selfish of me to do that and I love him too much to keep him in harms way.

I begin rinsing Jacob's hair and  I continue with his usual routine, I did date him for sometime I know how he liked his hair.

I finish his hair, he pays me and we part our separate ways. The next customer comes sits in my stool and i begin doing their hair.

For once I can say I feel at peace.

Lucas POV
I arrived  at the hospital about thirty minutes ago and I'm just relaxing with Nick, Rashad, and Ronnie. Rashad's doing better now and Nick looks better too.

I let Ronnie know what's up with me the same time I let Nick know. He's one of the bros too and we don't snitch on each other so I trust him to the fullest extent.

Apparently he had some shit to tell us today, this nigga seemed on edge.

"Anyway Ronnie what did you want to tell us?" Nick asked.

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