A Date Ends with Drunken Words...and Bad News

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IMPORTANT!!! Next to Last Chapter, guys! Will start third book this weekend or next!!!

Fighting Sasuke leads to Dead OROCHIMARU!!!=>

I woke up with blurry eyes again and rubbed at them as I sat up. Kakashi had a hand slung over my stomach and I smiled down at him as I gently ran my fingers through his soft hair. I loved him so much, but I had a mission to do, two actually, that could take a few months. I would talk to Eriko and Juro before I decided which mission I would do first. I didn’t even know if I would bring my Genin, but I wasn’t planning on it.

I sighed and looked down to see a few hickeys on my body making me roll my eyes. Who knew he would be so immature and put hickeys on me? It wasn’t like I cared, though. If people asked me how I got those bruises, I would tell them they were hickeys.

Kakashi’s grip on me tightened. I smiled down at him before leaning down to kiss his cheek, causing him to stir. I move my lips to his ear, a smile stretched on them. “Kakashi, wake up,” I whispered. He didn’t move anymore and I sighed before getting up and going to take a shower.

I was in the middle of washing shampoo out of my hair when it sank in and I felt tears spring o my eyes. “Oh kami, he’s actually dead,” I whispered. I washed the rest out and turned off the water, not moving. I must have stood there for a while.

“Hitsuki?” I heard Kakashi question.

I didn’t move and only glanced up when he moved the curtain back. I guess he had sensed my chakra. I looked into his opened eye and he seem surprised to see me crying. He opened the curtain all the way and grabbed a towel before wrapping it around me and picking me up. I didn’t even know why I was crying. I don’t think I would ever know why I was crying. Maybe it was because Sasuke, who had never been anywhere near my strength until he left had killed the person who still affected me.

I gripped at my left side as Kakashi started to dry my hair. It was starting to burn a bit as I thought about him. I let out a sigh. “After I get dressed,” I sniffed out. “We need to see Tsunade.” Kakashi stopped drying my hair and crouched down in front of me.

“Hitsuki, are you okay?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged. “I don’t even know why I’m crying. He’s dead and I am conflicted. He is the reason everything in my life has ever went wrong. He is the reason I killed. He is the reason I am a horrible person, but at the same time it is completely my fault. I killed to live. I am a horrible person because I killed so many people.”

“Hitsuki, you are a ninja. We kill because we have to. You are an amazing person. And, whenever you leave on your mission, which I have no doubt will take a long time, I will still think that as I worry about your health and safety and hope you return,” he smiled.

“I don’t deserve you, Kakashi, but I’m too selfish to let you go,” I whispered.

I stared at Tsunade and Jiraiya, not really caring about his opinion right now. Tsunade stared at me, leaning against the wall before shoving off of it with a sigh. “As long as I get a regular update, things should be fine. I believe you should go and heal yourself first before you deal with the Kuromaru heir so that you can properly protect him.”

“Ironically, both Eriko and Kakashi said that.”

“Then do so. When you are healed-“

“If I am healed,” I muttered.

Tsunade ignored me. “-send word and I will send a letter to the Kuromaru Clan about Juro.”


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