Goodbye Creepy Kakuzu and Hello Shower Fun

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Enjoy!!! Kakuzu all octopus-ish/getting hit with rasenshurkien!!! =>

The three different clones attacked Kakuzu. One got pierced with his tendrils, one was burnt, then the other was hit with a powerful wind blast. Naruto charged forwards with a yell and almost hit Kakuzu in the chest before the Jutsu died out. Shit.

I reacted and charged with Kakashi towards Kakuzu. Kakashi lit his hand with lightening and chopped the tendrils ensnaring Naruto, cutting the, as spikes of wood charges at Kakuzu. He dodged them before I slammed my hand towards him, smirking when he caught it.

His eyes narrowed. “Hitsuki, your hair seems shorter.”

“Cute, Kakuzu, but it was your damn partner who chopped it off. Though he missed his initial target, which was my neck,” I said, pushing away from him and activating my Furuime. My eyes regarded him as he watches me while everyone else talks.

The tendrils charge for me and I smirk, dodging them before they can wrap around my neck. Right now, I was being a distraction while Naruto came up with something else. I make rapid hand signs and could practically feel Kakashi’s narrowed Sharingan eye glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and placed my closed fists on my hips, not doing anything but forcing the rising blood away.

“You used to be a threat, Hitsuki. Now, you aren’t even worthy of being the new pinky.”

“If I wanted to be the damn pinky, I would have to invade his base to still the damn ring, not that I want to join. I already think I helped you bastards enough and tell Pain that if you actually make it out alive. I don’t plan on letting that happen though, because if Naruto doesn’t finish you off, then I will,” I growled, appearing next to Kakashi.

“Do you remember what you said to me during training?” Naruto asked. I cocked my head to the side, confused. “That ‘the only shinobi that can surpass the Fourth Hokage in you, that’s what I believe’,” Naruto said. Kakashi’s eye widened. “It’s true that teamwork is important, and I know that, but right now, I want to cross the dangerous bridge by myself. If I can’t get to the other side, then I’ll stay a kid forever. Please don’t do anything to remove that bridge.”

Kakashi was quiet for a second before a small chuckle escaped his lips as he stood up from his crouch. “What do you think Yamato? You still haven’t seen it, have you? Naruto is different from before,” Kakashi said.

“Perfect,” I smirked, flicking cat like eyes to Kakuzu. “It’s decided then.”

“Naruto, go!” Kakashi commanded.

“Yessir!” he shouted.

Kakashi glanced to me. “Hitsuki?”

“I’ll be fine, Kakashi. I have plenty of ways to help myself. Worry about me after we win,” I grin at him cockily. He watched me for a moment before nodding and looking back. It wasn’t the best plan that we went on a mission together since we were engaged and would worry about one another, but a mission or two will be fine, though a permanent team is out now.

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