I'm a Sensei Now? Let's Hope I Don't Kill Them...

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Dedicated to TheLittleAlcoholian because wattpad won't let me actually dedicate it, so it is here - at the beginning - to bother those who do not like author's notes! :)

I woke up to the multiple Narutos shouting in victory, and I didn’t do it gently. I shot up, panting, and holding at my racing heart. I sent Naruto a dark look while Kakashi only chuckled. “He has the leaf cut most of the way. Asuma’s tips must have really helped him,” Kakashi said.

“I’m sure the chain smoker did help in his own way while getting Naruto to do something.”

“It’s said how true that probably is,” Hijuya said from next to me. I looked over to see two tigers.

“Yeah,” I said, looking at the red one that was Hijuya. “It really is.”

“Kaname was angry when I left,” she said after a moment.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “He is always angry.”

“Not with me,” she said, looking at me with blood red cat eyes.

“I know,” I said softly, voice quieting down. “I know.”

She sighed and threw a large paw over her face. “I’m exhausted.”

“Maybe we could try a temple?”

She looked up then. “How about a priestess instead?” she suggested, shifting into her normal form. I stared at her for a moment and she smiled at me. “Think about it, Hitsuki. A priestess possesses holy and divine powers. They can purify the bad and evil, so maybe they can purify the bad and evil out of Kaname.”

“We will talk to one, but do not get your hopes up. It could leave to his destruction,” I told her quietly, truthfully, because I want to help but don’t want her to get happy over something that might not even be a possibility.

“Very well,” she said, shifting back and going back for a cat nap.

“Naruto, you should rest before you kill yourself,” I commented boredly.

“You sound so worried,” Kyo muttered sleepily.

“Well, he isn’t actually going to kill himself since Kyuubi is still there. I think he is really just unhappy with how humans are, though most of the Jinchuriki were either nice, insane, or social inactive,” I said. Kakashi was looking at me. “What?”

“You knew them?”

“Met some of them on a few missions, gave them a friend who didn’t like her life either,” I said, frowning. I was about to open my mouth and say something when a bird landed in front of me, a messenger pigeon, and stared at me expectantly. I took the note and watched it fly off before unrolling it and reading it, groaning when it said ‘now’. “Kyo, you are taking me to the Hokage’s mansion thing,” I said, standing up and looking at Kakashi. “I’m being summoned.”

“Why?” he asked.

“No idea, probably because training did not exactly go well,” I said, finger on my chin.

He sighed. “I’ll see you later at home.”

“Don’t let him exhaust himself too much,” I said, hopping on Kyo who immediately shot off, Hijuya at our heels in her oddly colored tiger form. A few people gasped in surprise when they saw us jump over them to travel on the rooftops and avoid civilians. “I wonder what she wants.”

“Probably another idea to keep you from killing yourself,” Hijuya said, giving me a ‘look’.

“Well, I am sorry that I grew used to training that exhausted me,” I said with pursed lips.

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