She had finished helping the other girls with the lottery booth, and was now sitting in a suite with Katie Stajan, who was playing with her son, Elliott.

Katie turned to Paige, "I know this is a loaded request, but can you watch Elliott during warm ups please? I have to run the booth and you're the only girl staying in here."

Paige gave her a big smile, "Yes, of course!"

Katie handed Elliott to her, "Thank you so much, Paige! Matt also likes seeing him during warm ups, so you guys should go to the glass. It's actually really fun. I'll see you in a few!" She walked out of the suite and to the concourse.

Paige sat Elliott on her lap; he smiled widely at her and laughed. She laughed as well. Paige was great with kids. She held Elliott in her arms as she walked down to the glass for warm ups. Paige never really did this before, so it was an interesting new experience. Everyone around her was wearing a Gaudreau jersey, and she felt very proud.

The team came out, and Elliott was smiling while seeing them skate in circles. He pointed to Matt Stajan, babbling, "Daddy!"

Paige bounced him in her arms, giggling, "Yeah, El!"

Matt Stajan approached them, grinning through the glass. Elliott giggled as Matt held his gloved hand up to the glass, Elliott high-fiving it. Matt gave Paige a quick wave as well, and skated off, approaching Johnny and pointing to the two, who were laughing by the glass.

Johnny skated over to his girlfriend and his teammate's child, with his mouth guard partly out of his mouth. He bumped into the glass on purpose with his shoulder to get Paige and Elliott's attention. Paige grinned and opened her mouth in an O shape, looking at Elliott then pointing at Johnny. She said something he couldn't hear over the glass and loud music, and he skated off.

Paige bounced Elliott on her hip, "Who's our favorite player, El?"

He grinned and pointed at Johnny, "Johnny!"

"Atta boy!" She held one hand up and his tiny palm connected with hers.

The two came back to the suite after warm ups, where Katie and a couple other WAGs were back in the suite, sitting. Paige came in smiling, still holding Elliott.

She handed him off to Katie, "Thank you so much!" Katie said, sitting Elliott on her lap.

"It's no problem at all!" Paige grabbed a seat, "He's very fun to be around. Who's our favorite player, El?"

"Johnny!" He said, grinning at his mother.

Katie broke out in laughter, "Oh my goodness, Paige."


The game ended in a solid win for the Flames, who won 5-3 against the Habs. Johnny got a goal and an assist, which earned him honors of being the second star of the night. She waited for him outside of the locker room, texting Amber and Vivienne about the game, due to Sean and Sam earning first and third star, respectively.

Johnny, Sean, and Sam all approached Paige simultaneously. She cocked an eyebrow, "What do you guys want?"

Sam looked down at Paige. He was literally a foot taller than her. "Can we come over tonight, please?"

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