She blushes slightly. "I was surprised when he hugged me, but it was sweet. Your ada is so kind."

I smile amusedly, opening my mouth to respond, but I am cut off as Glosseth speaks. "Eilonwy, where are you and Legolas going to stay for your honeymoon? You cannot possibly stay here!" she questions, looking between the two of us.

"They will stay here," Ada states firmly, falling back to walk beside us, and he gives us a sad look, "These are dangerous times for Eilonwy. 'Tis not safe for her to travel."

Glosseth frowns. "Oh, yes, you are right. Well, after all of this blows over, maybe you two can travel somewhere," she offers.

Eilonwy smiles at her. "Thank you for your consideration, but Legolas and I are perfectly fine with not traveling. Honestly, I would rather stay here in Rivendell. This place has become dear to my heart," she says, glancing at me for a moment with her shining green eyes.

Lord Elrond leads us into the living room of his home, and we all take seats that are spread across the room. I pull Eilonwy onto the same seat that I am sitting on, and she laughs, giving me a look that makes me want to kiss her. As the others converse and laugh with each other, servants enter the room with hot cups of tea, and I admire Eilonwy as she sips at her tea, speaking animatedly to my naneth and Lady Celebrian.

Her hair falls loosely down her back in the cute ringlet curls that I love so much, and her smile is so lovely that I am positive I have never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life. Her breathtaking green eyes flit over to me every few moments, and I can tell from the slight flush in her cheeks that she can feel my gaze on her intensely. A pastel green dress adorns her small body, little round buttons dotting up her spine vertically, but I dismiss the thoughts of those tempting buttons as quickly as I can.

I move my gaze from her, trying to find a distraction, and when my eyes meet the knowing look of my father, I feel embarrassment creep into my mind. He smirks slightly, looking away from me as he tries to fight down a laugh, and I watch him with a glare, daring him to utter a single sound.

"Legolas?" Eilonwy questions, catching my attention, "What do you think?"

I blink in confusion, having not heard a single word of the conversation.

Eilonwy laughs brightly along with the others, taking my hand in hers. "Do you wish to have the wedding the day of the others' arrival or a few days after?"

I open my mouth to respond, but my father's voice cuts into the conversation speedily.

"I think Legolas wishes to marry you as quickly as possible. I can imagine him dragging you to the altar the second the others arrive," he says with a satisfied smirk as everyone laughs loudly.

I glower at him for a moment before turning to Eilonwy. "Whatever you wish to do is fine with me," I tell her softly, knowing that my father is right. If propriety allowed it, I would marry her instantly without a single greeting to the rest of our wedding company, and then I would finally whisk her away as my wife- exactly what I have wanted to do for the past four years of having my visions.

She nods, her eyes dropping from mine shyly before she turns to look at Naneth and Lady Celebrian. "I think... I think that we should marry the day after the last of our company arrives."

Naneth grins happily, looking to Lady Celebrian who mirrors her expression. "Splendid! We need to make preparations now, for Aragorn's family and Galadriel and Celeborn should arrive any day now," Naneth says hastily, and she stands from her seat causing everyone else to rise.

Everyone takes that as a hint to depart, and each person leaves to do whatever they wish for the day, leaving Eilonwy and me alone. I turn to her with a grin, taking her hand in mine. "What do you wish to do today, my lady?"

The Prince's VisionsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя