Chapter 20: Blake and Rylan sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G

Start from the beginning

His words make her furious, though she isn't sure why. Maybe it's that everyone keeps telling her she doesn't have to do this. None of them understand.

"This is about helping others." Rylan claims, and then begins walking again.

Cas persists nonetheless, "So this isn't about what you want?"

Rylan walks faster, but Cas manages to easily keep up.

"Of course I want him to go away! He hurt me. Now he gets to walk free as if nothing ever happened!" She pauses to glare at Cas. "What is wrong with you? Don't you want him to go away?" Her voice cracks and Rylan clears her throat to hide the emotion building there.

The heated whisper argument draws a few glances, so Rylan says, "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

They round the corner and Cas tugs her to a stop.

"I want him to go away, I do."

Rylan scoffs, shakes her head, and looks down the hallway. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I just don't want anything else to happen to you. I don't know why you need me to keep explaining that to you."

"Well I don't know why I need to keep explaining to you and everyone else why I have to do this." Rylan bites back.

Cas sighs. "You know this is dangerous, no, beyond dangerous. This is suicidal. I won't watch you get yourself killed."

Rylan rubs her eyes. "I won't get killed. I have a whole army behind me."

"What? The cops? Look around, Rylan! The police aren't here, and if something happens to you, they probably won't get here in time to stop it. Mr. Quinn has the whole teacher's union behind him which, by the way, maintains he's innocent. How are you going to prove otherwise?"

"I thought you would have my back in this."

"In coming back to school and living your life again, yes... but not this. Provoking someone who wants you dead is just plain idiotic."

The first bell rings, making Rylan jump slightly.

"I have to get to class. If you're smart, you'll keep your head down and keep as far away from Mr. Quinn as you can." Cas says.

He disappears down the hall amidst the other students. Rylan watches him go before she heads off to her own class. All the stares she receives are directed at her face. She can't hide the wicked gash stitched across her forehead. Even placing a giant bandage over it won't stop the stares and Rylan isn't trying to hide it from anyone. None of the looks are sympathetic; mostly they are curious or worried that that could be their own fate if they aren't careful. No one cares a teacher may be responsible for almost murdering a student.

When third period rolls around, Rylan stands outside the door to Ancient Literature in a nervous sweat with an awfully loud heartbeat ringing in her ears.

"Hey. I'm here for you." Dani promises, wrapping an arm around Rylan's shoulders.

Rylan takes a deep breath before allowing Dani to lead her into the room. She refuses to look at him and takes her seat next to Dani and pulls out her notebook. The whole time, she can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into her skull. The virulent feeling disappears when Mr. Quinn begins speaking.

"We're getting into the thick and thin with only five months left of school." He pauses and Rylan chances a glance up from her notebook.

Mr. Quinn's eyes shift across the classroom and Rylan forces her eyes back down; the thought of catching his eyes makes her anxious and her heart thuds swiftly in her chest. Eye contact shouldn't be this hard, Rylan, she complains. Dani takes her hand beneath the table and squeezes it to let her know she's there.

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1) [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now