Chapter 1: A Dream of the Past

Start from the beginning

Lucy couldn't help but blush at the thought of months ago, when Natsu had proclaimed his feelings for her at the site of the ruins.  As Lucy imagined, Mira had a field day with that once she found out.  Lucy could still hear the embarrassing remarks...

Lucy turned scarlet.

Shaking her head vigorously, Lucy slapped her cheeks to clear her head.  She had to stay focused; today they were heading to the city where the mission conspired at.  The mission itself was one that involved wild animals.  It wasn't anything extremely excessive, but Lucy wanted it because, surprisingly, the requester would pay a lot of money for the small crisis.

What was going on was that the head of a successful animal breading farm out in the fields of Fiore needed help with a wild monster problem.  This man raised sheeps, goats, cows, and even strange animals Lucy had no idea could be used for human purposes.  The problem?  Monsters were stealing the livestock and taking them somewhere; the man thought they were being eaten, until he saw a mage controling them.  So, he wanted the mage with Taming Magic caught by Fairy Tail and put to justice.

Natsu had only been excited because of the fact that there were multiple rewards; not only the money, but any dinner of their choice.  Happy was pretty set on it too.  Erza and Gray were interested in the money just as Lucy was, and decided to tag along while it had just been Natsu and herself at first.  Wendy had then asked if it was alright if she'd acompany them, and of course they had accepted.  Lucy was delighted to have everyone together again, since they had been doing certain missions by themselves or seperately for awhile.

Yawning, Lucy checked the time to see that she had about an hour before she was supposed to meet everyone at the guild, and decided to spend that time practicing a new trick she made up when fighting with her spirits.

Walking outside, Lucy dropped her back next to the bridge and took out her keys, ready to let off some steam.


Before Lucy knew it, she had to head off to the guild and meet her friends there, stopping her practicing.  A little worn out, Lucy had no choice but to ignore it and jog off to the guild, her bag in tow.  She could see the building in the distance, freshly renewed and reopened.  Smiling, Lucy continued to run as she went around the corner, hoping she wouldn't be late.

As she came up the street, she saw everyone already outside waiting for her.  Waving her hand in the air, Lucy continued to jog over to them.

"Sorry I'm late!"  Lucy called, and they all turned to her.

Natsu turned first, using his sensitive hearing to his advantage.  Wendy soon followed too, of course, and so did Gray and Erza.  When Natsu saw Lucy, he grinned, his arms crossed.

"Lu-shee, what took you so long?"  Happy whined, floating in the air along with Carla.

Lucy came to a stop in front of them, planting her hands on her knees as she bent over for breath.  "Sorry...I got side-tracked and realized I was going to be late..."

"You okay, Lucy?"  Wendy asked, looking concerned.

Lucy smiled, laughing slightly in amusement.  "I'm fine, Wendy.  I just ran all the way here, is all."

"What were you doin'  before you came here?"  Natsu asked, his expression curious.

Lucy put a finger to her lips, winking.  "It's a se-cr-et~!"  She sang.

"Oi, that's no fair!  I wanna know what you were doin'!"

"Not telling!"  Lucy replied, laughing.

Natsu pouted childishly.  "But you have to tell me, because we're together!"

"You can't use the boyfriend excuse, idiot!"  Lucy exclaimed, grinning though a small blush formed on her cheeks.

Natsu flinched, and then looked away, embarassed.  "Whatever...I still wanna know, though."

Lucy smiled in amusement.

"Are we ready to go?"  Erza asked, amused.

Lucy nodded.  "Yep!"

"Well then, let's hurry it up."  Gray replied, his hands in his pockets.  "Since someone was late, we gotta hurry so we don't miss the train."  He teased, smirking.

"I told you I was sorry!"

Wendy giggled at Lucy, and Carla smiled slightly with amusement.


Lucy plopped down into the seat, sighing.  "We made it..."

Natsu sat down next to her, while Erza and Gray were in the seat next to them.  Wendy, Carla, and Happy were sitting in front of Lucy and Natsu.

"Ah.  Just in time too."  Erza agreed, hearing the whistle sound off.

"How far away is this place anyways?"  Wendy asked.

"Only a few hours."  Erza replied, pulling out the flier.  "It's a small town in the country side.  It's just outside the city, so it won't take long to get there."

"What's the name of it?"  Carla asked.

Erza scanned the description of the flier.  "It's name is Brean."

"Wow, it really is small.."  Gray muttered, looking at the map in his hand.

"That's because most of it is land for crops or animals,"  Lucy replied knowingly.  "Only business men live there and tend to their merchandise."

"Oi, how'd you know that?"  Natsu asked.

Lucy smiled triumphantly.  "I thought researching the city would help some."

The conversation was cut short as the train began to move, and Natsu instantly got motion sickness.  Lucy huffed, biting her cheek as she scootched as far away from him as possible in the seat.

"You better not throw up on me, Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed warningly.  "I won't forgive you!"

Natsu gurgled in response, and Lucy thought she heard something along the lines of "no promises".

Everyone sighed.





Stay tuned for the next chapter; Chapter 2: Brean and the Requester!

Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Feelings ❖ (A NaLu Fan Fiction) {Sequel to I.W.A.F!!}Where stories live. Discover now