When I sat down on the cot my leg wouldn't stop shaking as the nurse asked me about my last period and how many pregnancy tests I took and which symptoms I'd been experiencing. Wilmer crossed the room and put his hand on my knee to calm my leg but that only made me start to pick at my nails until he held both of my hands. I was grateful for him being here, because if I was alone I would make a stupid decision that I could never take back. But at the end of the day, he was married. And he was in love with me but he didn't want a relationship with me. So where did that even leave us, especially with this baby?

"Well isn't this a surprise?" Dr. Jacobs had a smirk on her face and Wilmer chuckled as he blushed a little bit and I made eye contact with her. She raised her eyebrow but didn't say anything else.

"Let's take an ultra sound, shall we?" Wilmer sat down in the chair next to the cot as I got myself situated and Dr. Jacobs got the machine all set up.

"You're definitely pregnant. I'd say about three weeks along, almost four. I'm going to assume that this wasn't planned?" I looked over at the screen as Wilmer responded to Dr. Jacobs. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant again. My baby was only the size of a peanut and I couldn't feel it yet but I was having another baby. I remember when Wilmer and I wanted a soccer team of kids, but that all went away when our marriage started to deteriorate. Now he was remarried but we were having another child together. I just couldn't believe it.

"I'll get the prescription for your prenatal vitamins written out. Also, here are the charts that I need you to fill out with your symptoms, sleep patterns, moods, and anything else that you experience in the three weeks before your next appointment. You can go ahead and get changed and your ultra sound pictures will be printed out for you. Congratulations," Dr. Jacobs said, shaking both of their hands before leaving the room.

"I still can't believe this is happening," I said as I changed back into my clothes. It wasn't like Wilmer had never seen me naked before so I didn't care and he didn't seem to either.

"Me neither. I didn't even think about having more kids. Eiza never mentioned it either. I thought after Gabi I was just done, but I guess God had other plans...for both of us," Wilmer said as I nodded. When we were together and something unexpected happened, we always just said that it was in God's plan for our lives. It made us feel like we could handle anything, but I don't feel that way now.

We still had another hour to burn before Gabi got out of school so we made a quick stop at In-N-Out before going back to my house. We sat down in the kitchen and ate our food. All of my manners flew out the window because I was starving. I had ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, something I wouldn't usually eat, and I was completely devouring it.

"That's so attractive," Wilmer joked as I bit off another huge chunk of the burger. I tried not to laugh because I didn't want to choke.

"Shut up, I'm eating for two," I said, throwing a crinkled napkin at him. When we had moments like this it made me forget that we were divorced and he was married. It just felt like old times again, when it was just the two of us, even before we had Gabi.

"You always used to make that excuse when you were pregnant with Gabi," he reminded me as I nodded. I remembered that. It was how I used to guilt him into going out in the middle of the night to buy me whatever I was craving.

"Good times," I breathed out, standing up to throw my trash away. I sucked down half of my Dr. Pepper before throwing my trash away, but when I turned back around, Wilmer was standing right there.

"I miss us," he said, grabbing the cup out of my hand and setting it down on the table.

"I do too. But you're married..." I reminded him, because he seemed to be the one that was always forgetting.

"I know but-"

"No buts, Wil. We can't keep doing this." I wasn't the side piece that he got to come to whenever his wife wasn't putting out or when he was unhappy. I had a little bit more dignity than that.

"Demi, I'm sorry for what I said in Vegas, okay? I really am. And if it was really that easy, I would drop Eiza in a heartbeat just for you. I never stopped loving you. You gave me the best years of my life. You gave me my first child. You were my everything, Demi, and you still are. I'm so sorry it's not easy for us to be together right now. I wish I could go back in time. I wish you had stopped me from marrying Eiza. It was always you, Demi, and it always will be," he said, dropping down to his knees in the middle of his speech and wrapping his arms around my knees. He was damn near in tears as I used my fingers to comb through his hair. I wish it was easy for us to be together too. I wish I had objected at his wedding. Wilmer was mine and he always would be. I was his and I always would be. That's just how things are supposed to be.

Usually my mom is right on time to pick me up from school, but today she wasn't. And for some reason paparazzi had showed up at my school and we're trying to get pictures and ask kids questions and stuff so everyone that usually gets to wait outside for their parents had to come inside. A lot of children of celebrities go here so it wasn't like we weren't used to it, but since when were they allowed to take pictures of us while we were at school?

I called my mom and my dad but neither of them answered their phones. I even called Eiza but she said she didn't know where my dad was and I hung up on her before she could offer to come and pick me up. I'd rather wait.

Finally I saw my mom's Range Rover pull up, but mom got out of the passenger side and ran up to me. She tried to shield me from the paparazzi with her jacket and I giggled from behind the material. She always used to do this when I was younger and it used to make me laugh.

"We're so sorry we're late, Gabi. We had an appointment to go to," Mom apologized as soon as we were safely in the car. I raised my eyebrow at her and looked down at her stomach. I couldn't see a baby bump but then again, she probably wasn't that far along yet. But I knew what they had an appointment for and I was just waiting for them to tell me.

"It's fine." I looked between the two of them again. Mom's hair was all messy and it looked like dad had a pimple on his neck. He should really take care of that. Now would be the perfect time for them to spill the beans but they were staying quiet.

"Abuelo is coming up tonight," I said as Mom furrowed her eyebrows and dad glanced back at me.

"Since when?"

"Well you've been sick lately so I thought I could hang out with him this weekend. We're going to see the new Marvel movie tonight," I said as mom just nodded her head. Dad didn't say anything. Why wasn't mom telling me about her pregnancy? Since she was pregnant, didn't this mean that they had to get back together now?

"Maybe we could all go to the movies together and then get something to eat. Abuelo would like that," I suggested. Mom just nodded again and dad did as well. What was wrong with them? Why are they always keeping stuff from me like I can't handle it?

"Fine," I huffed, sitting back in my sit as I folded my arms over my chest. I'm tired of them not telling me stuff. I wish they would just understand that I understand a lot more than they think I do.

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