Stressful Days

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Dedicated to my 25th fan!!!


“That stupid, crapbag of a douche! I'm gonna kill him.” I vented to Jen at lunch. I was breathing heavily from anger as I tore my sandwich up into tiny little squares. Jen just shook her head, smiling at me like I was a two year old having a temper tantrum.

“I'm serious!” I shrieked, throwing my hands up in the air when she she rolled her eyes at me. 

My sandwich was in shreds on my uniform brown paper lunch bag by now. Jen just shook her head giggling at me. I popped a piece of ripped up bread in my mouth and chewed it furiously. I was down to the last shred of bread when Jen stiffened.

“What?” I asked her giving her a wtf-is-up-with-you? look. She flicked her eyes behind me signaling someone was coming. I instantly tensed up too knowing it was something bad.

“Hey Amber!” I practically shuddered from the sickly sweet voice that dripped down my spine like cold poison seeping into your bones. 

Marcy marched up to us confidently, stopping only a few feet behind me. Oh yeah, safe distance, bitch. I thought sarcastically. She cleared her throat impatiently, signaling she wanted me to turn around.

Slowly, I twisted around so I was facing her. I sighed heavily like her very existence bored me, and honestly? It did.

“Yes slut?” I asked innocently.

She ignored the name and inspected her expensively manicured nails. Her posse of cheerleading clones all mimicked her posture.

“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your break-up with Toby. It’s just so tragic.” She sneered. “You know, maybe if he hadn’t lowered himself to your standards he wouldn’t have been so stiff whilst having sex.” She said it innocently but the smirk on her face told a different story.

I rose from my seat and stood inches from her face. I smiled back at her just as fake. “Yeah. And I guess if I had given him sex he wouldn’t have been so desperate as to commit bestiality.” With that I slammed my shoulder into hers and walked away. 

There were collective sounds of shock throughout the gathering crowd as I left Macy reeling. Jen scurried after me snickering the whole time. We high-fived each other. I didn't hear anything from Macy until the doors were swinging shut.


Someone must have looked it up on there cell because minutes later there was a muffled voice like someone was whispering something to her and then a scream of rage. Jen and I chuckled as we linked arms and skipped to our next class.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully after that. A few times I saw Toby in the halls and Macy would cling to him and drape herself over him, her implants nearly falling out of her tight cheer top. I’m so clad I quit her squad.  

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