Chapter 16

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It's finally the summer holidays, it doesn't feel much like a holiday though! Mum is having to do lots of things with YouTube and Dads business so we are left with Oma for most of the time, when I say we, I mean Ellis, Elliot and I; Emilia is too busy trying to perfect her dance and song in her dance studio for her audition to get into Italia Conti. She's been working so hard and after the summer show at her dance school she was asked to audition, Emilia of course was thrilled, despite the fact that her daddy wouldn't be there to give her a big bear hug after the audition or hold her hand as she sits in the waiting room, shaking with nerves and fear because of how desperate she is to get into the school. Oma is now living with us on a permanent basis; we need her and mum can't look after all four of us on her own so Oma moved into our spare room.
"What do you want to do today Eduardo?" Oma asked as I sat staring into thin air whilst sat on the bottom step.
"I don't know." I said, I looked up at Oma and saw that she was juggling both Ellis and Elliot who were squirming away in her arms, I grabbed Ellis from her then sat back down on the step. My little brother looked straight into my eyes then gave me the biggest smile he has ever done, something else dad has missed.
"We can go to the park if you want? Or out for lunch?" Oma smiled. I shook my head. " we could go and play football in the park Wardo, you love that!"
I shook my head again, that was the thing that dad and I did. Every Sunday we would go out the the park and dad would teach me how to do killer kicks and dribbling so I could score goals easily.  
"We could watch a movie if you like?" Oma tried to reason with me. I shook my head again, in all honesty I don't know what I want to do, I just want my dad back and he's only been gone from us for over a month.
"I don't know what I want to do!" I said. Then something hit me and I attempted to smile. "Can I edit a video together, for dad. Nothing's been put up on the channel in a while and nothing's gone up on the Jonathan Joly channel for ages." I smiled just saying my dads name, Jonathan Joly; such a perfect name for an amazing human.
"I don't know Eduardo," Oma answered, she looked a little concerned. " I don't know if mummy would want you going into his office to edit, I'll text her to ask but in the meantime why don't you take these two monsters down to Emilia, then you can sit and watch her dance."
I grabbed my second little brother from my grandmother then walked to Emilia's dance studio, as I got closer and closer I could hear her music getting louder and louder. Her song choice for her audition dance is heaven and her singing audition is going to be supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran, a song both of us have become obsessed with recently, it's so old but such an amazing song.
As I walked in Emilia was half way through one of her turning sequences in her dance piece and as soon as she saw me walk in I could see her body straighten slightly and her movements become much more sharp, she obviously felt like she had to dance her best with my presence in the room. Her dance seemed to tell a story, she started low and slow before speeding up slightly and rising up in her movements, then she becomes a little less precise with her movements and then she ends on the floor just as the music ends. It was a perfect dance and I could tell just be my sisters facial expression that she was proud of her own choreography.
"Wardo." Emilia stated one the music ended. She held out her arms and took Ellis from me.
"Emilia." I replied as Elliot began to squirm more in my arms, he was obviously ready for a feed, something that Oma had to do now with milk that mum had left for the twins.
"What are you doing Wardo?"  Emilia asked. She began walking around the room, stepping through her dance whilst carrying our little brother.
"I don't know, I don't know what I want to do. Your dance looks good though!" I smiled at my sister.
"Thanks Bro, it still needs work but I really don't think I'm gonna get in, even if I do want to go there so badly!" Emilia smiled, she passed Ellis back to me then walked over to the wall in her studio which was lined with a bar, she started stretching her leg and I just stood awkwardly whilst struggling to hold my brothers. Emilia stepped away from the bar and then slid down into the splits on the dance flooring.
"You should film it!" I said excitedly to my sister. None of us have picked up a camera in the past few months and to be honest I miss it. The camera just reminds mum of dad, she's tried to pick up the camera but she just starts crying, I miss our family job though.
"Are you sure Wards??" She said, she looked so concerned, like there was a brick wall built between her and our many vlogging cameras. Am I seriously the only one who still wants to film?
"Emilia that was amazing! I could edit some stuff into it too. All you have to do is dance, I'll edit stuff into it then we can upload it to YouTube AFTER your audition." I made sure to put emphasis on after, after all, we don't want to give ideas to people who want to audition too.
"If mum will let you then that's OK, only if mum says yes though!" My big sister sassed at me. She is getting back to her old self, I can't wait until we can just be a family again, even if we are only 90% complete.

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