"Fuck," Anuka growled. 

      Wraith rolled his eyes again and continued down the narrow alleyway. The boy was nowhere in sight, however, his distinct scent still lingered. He smelled of vanilla and earth, the scent of the potters. Wraith inhaled, it gained strength once they reached a fork in the block, they could go either left or right.

      "Left," Anuka seemed sure of himself.

      "Right," Wraith said without looking at his comrade.

      "Thank y―?" a triumphant sneer made Anuka's visible cheek bones rise. If his mouth were exposed, Wraith guessed he would've smirked.

      "No, we go right," Wraith shielded his eyes when a gust of wind kicked up sand leading down the pathway. 

      Both men ended up behind small mud brick buildings and sandstone housing estates. The whole block seemed to be deserted or in some sort of foreclosure by the government since every house, including the once-grand hotel, lay in ruins. Half of the terracotta tiles were smashed on the cobbled street, which soon turned into dark powder under their boots. Rust marks from the broken pipes seeped down the edges of the buildings like dried blood. The rest of the veneer was covered in forms of graffiti, eluding to the rising gang activity in the region. 

      There were no visible back exits to the hotel where the scent stopped. There was a backdoor but it was welded shut, the thought occurred to Wraith that it'd be easy break it open but wanted to maintain the element of surprise. 

            The building was held together by the green pipes that stuck out of the structure's sides while the lotus-style columns supported the porch, hanging baskets which might've once held beautiful flowers, had scrawny twigs in their place. The hotel might've been a popular inn when it'd been kept in check, but without the flow of money or interest from the public, it served as a hostel to Luxor's most poor. 

      Wraith reached out to climb through a panel on the lower wall, and as he did so, the top level's windows blew out with a muffled poof. The air temperature increased around the building and sweat started to collect on the nape of Wraith's neck. Glass sprinkled down around them like shimmering rain.

      "Isfet must have arrived," Anuka observed, distaste evident in his tone. 

      "Eccentric as always," Wraith commented and stepped inside.

      The interior of the hotel had been trashed before they'd arrived, a thin layer of dust collected on the toppled furniture and the curtains were ripped and burnt. Broken bits of wood and pipes scattered the floor, as if they fuelled some sort of bonfire. In the corner of the main room, a piano lay neglected on its side, a few keys lay beside it. The kitchen was empty and a few dishes were stacked on the sink.

      Wraith observed the small sandal prints that lead up the staircase. Before Wraith took a step, Anuka moved in front of him as usual and ascended the stairs―it was common practice since Anuka worked under Wraith. The man didn't mind, he simply watched Anuka make his way up the first five steps before signalling that it was safe.

      Anuka reached for the blade on his back. The linen bandages released their hold on the large sword on his silent command and the sword slid freely into Anuka's hands. It was gigantic, the sword looked too heavy for anyone to lift, but Anuka wielded it as if it were a stick. The metal was dark-grey and the hilt was wrapped tightly in linen to enhance the grip. At the end of the hilt was a jackals head to signify Anuka's loyalty to the jackals.

      Anuka peered over his shoulder to narrow his eyes at Wraith, "I'm pining for a beheading."  

      The scent suddenly picked up again once both men reached the second last step.

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