Chap 8 "Emergency C-Section"

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Sam's POV
Kat and I walked to our second home. "I like how there's a pool in the front yard," I smiled.
"Well, it's a beautiful home," Kat smiled. "I know this house like the back of my hand."
"How's that?" I asked as we sat on the lounge chairs by the pool. "I thought this was your second time seeing it."
"After so many years," Kat replied. "Sam, remember, five months ago, how I really wasn't hungry and I lost my appetite?" I nodded. "Well, that's when I had a talk with Nick. We weren't ever really brother and sister to begin with. Nick and I used to be a couple until he broke up with me. His parents bought this house for me when I was with him. We used to come here all the time to hang out and watch movies." Kat sighed. "And one day he took my virginity. Two months after that, he broke up with me and this house, we didn't know what to do with it. Until I got the deed yesterday." She got the deed out of her purse and handed it to me. "This house has always been in my name and I didn't know it until now."
"So, this house has always been yours?" I asked. Kat nodded. "Well, we have nothing to worry about then."
"Sam, you're not getting the point," Kat replied. "I basically spent my life here with someone else."
"Kat, you're spending your life here with me," I replied as I stood up. I stood her up as well. "Nobody else. Just me, you, and our baby girl. You may have spent the first part of your life with Nick here but I'm here now and I'm your husband." I took her for another walk around New York. "Hey, you're thinking about something. I know that look."
"The FBI wants to recruit me," Kat nodded. "As of right now, I am an agent of the FBI. I took the job." I looked at her. "We have to relocate to Quantico after I have Catalina."
A gunshot went off and Kat fell limp in my arms. "Oh my god," I nodded. "Kat? Kat?!" I carried her into the hospital, which was right there. Kind of odd how she was shot right in front of the hospital. "Is she going to be okay?"
"We're going to do everything we can, sir," the nurse nodded. "How far along is she?"
"About twenty weeks," I replied. "Give or take a few days."
"Thank you," the nurse nodded as they took her away.
I had Kat's phone in my pocket and I called the contact that said Best Friend with a red heart next to it. "How's my baby girl?" The voice came through.
"Derek Morgan?" I asked.
"Sam," he replied. "Is something wrong?"
"Kat's in the hospital, she's been shot," I replied.
'We're on our way," Derek Morgan replied and hung up. I waited in the waiting room and the team rushed in and. "She okay?"
"She's in surgery," I nodded. "But she's also going to have an emergency C-section."
"Then what are you doing out here?" Nick asked.
"She told them to wait till the two godfathers and godmothers got here," I nodded.
"Two?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, you and Derek," I nodded. "JJ and Penelope are the mothers." The five of us change into scrubs and witnessed the birth of Catalina Morgan Winchester. Kat had decided to change Samantha to Morgan because she wanted our daughter to have Derek's last name. I walked out of the room to let cat get some sleep. "She's beautiful just like her mother."
"How many months early?" Hotch asked.
"Premature 4 months," I nodded. "But promise me that you'll look for the guy that did this to her."
"I can't," Derek nodded. We all looked at him. "I'm not going to be an agent anymore."
"Did you tell Kat?" I asked. Derek nodded. "Let me tell her and then I don't want you to tell her anything until we get to Quantico." Derek and I walked to her room. I walked inside. "Hey."
"Hey," Kat smiled. "Is our baby girl okay?"
"She's fine," I nodded. "Beautiful like her mother." I looked at her. "You did amazing."
Kat looked at me. "You're holding back," she sighed.
"Even after a pregnancy, you're still a profiler," I responded. "Uhm, Derek wanted me to tell you something before he comes in." Kat looked at me. "He's, uhm, he's leaving the BAU."
"Serious?" Kat asked. I nodded. "Why is Morgan leaving?"
"He didn't say," I sighed. "But I don't want you to worry about it till here in DC, okay? I have movers moving stuff out to a beautiful house I had purchased online." I signaled Derek to come in. "Let's keep that stuff until we get to the office in Quantico."
"Sounds fair," Derek nodded. "How are you feeling?"
"Like a miracle had happened after I got shot," Kat sighed. "My baby girl may be premature but she's my miracle baby."
"Why?" Derek asked.
"She's 4 months premature," Kat responded. "The doctor said if I waited until the actual due date, it would have cost me my life."
"Either way, it's the right decision because none of us could lose you," Derek smiled. "Your husband is going to need you, your child is going to need their mother, and I really don't want to lose my friend."
"You're not getting rid of me that easily," Kat smiled. "But I'm just bored sitting here. Can I leave now?"
"You've got to wait three days," I sighed.
"Ugh," Kat groaned.
"You'll be out on here in no time, baby girl," Derek smiled.
"Yeah, that I'll laugh at," she sighed.
"We're going to let you get some sleep," I smiled. Derek and I left the room. We watched her from the window. "I love her with all my heart, Derek. Thinking I almost lost her today, I was scared."

More Than FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora