Chap 5 "Dean Found Us"

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Kat's POV
I picked up some Chinese food and went to Nick's precinct with his lunch. "I got you Chinese," I sighed as I put the bag in front of him. "I was craving."
"It's fine," Nick nodded as he gave me a hug. "You sleep alright?"
"Yeah," I smiled.
"That's good," Nick replied as he left his right hand on my back. "So, has Sam found a job? Have you found one?"
"Sam's working at the hardware store down the street," I nodded. "I also told Sam I will not work retail."
"You look so much like the vics," a woman walked up to me. "Why don't you introduce me to your friend?"
"We've already met, Olivia Benson," I smiled. "At my wedding?" She looked at me. "I know, I've changed."
"Katherine Hardwell Winchester," Nick smiled.
"Wow," Olivia looked at me. "Do you want a job? We need someone to play as bait sometimes."
"Katherine, you forgot your phone with me," Sam walked in.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Has anyone seen my brother?" we heard Dean's voice.
"Hide," Sam stated. Nick handed me a radio. Sam and I hid in Olivia's office. "I promise I don't know how he found us."
"t's alright," I nodded.
"Why are you asking us?" Nick asked.
"I'm pretty sure you're the first one Kat would run to," Dean stated.
"You wanna know what Kat would say if you said that?" Nick asked. "She would tell you she's not that stupid to come to the first place you would look. She's not here and neither is Sam."
"Alright," Dean stated.
"He's gone," Nick sighed. Sam and I got out of the office. "Really?"
"Sorry," I sighed. "I thought this would be the last place he looked."
"It's alright," Olivia nodded.
"Hi," said a blonde girl walking in. She saw me. "Oh hi. I'm Amanda Rollins." I shook her hand. "You must be Nick's wife."
"Excuse me?" I politely asked.
Amanda grabbed the picture I took with Nick on my wedding day off his desk. "You guys are married, right?" Amanda nodded.
"No, Nick's my best man and my other brother," I replied. "Sam's my husband. You've got your details twisted." I raised a brow. "Anyways, what's this case?"
"Black eyes," Nick nodded.
"It could be contacts," Olivia nodded.
"Normally, I would do this case alone," I replied. "But not this one. I can't do this one alone."
"You sure?" Sam asked as he pointed at a guy walking in. "Because that's the guy."
"Don't shoot him," I replied as Olivia got out her gun. "It's useless."
"Then what?" Olivia asked.
"Just give me a second to think," I nodded. "I need salt, holy water, and a marker."
"What are you talking about?" Olivia asked.
"Sam, now," I replied. Sam put his cuffs on the guy and his eyes turned black. "Demon, Nick." Nick said the exorcism spell and the demon left the guy's body. "I think that worked."
"Is he still alive?" Amanda asked.
The guy groaned and we were all relieved. "Thank god," Sam sighed.
"Let's get a medic in here," Olivia nodded. I sat down. Sam put his hand on my shoulder. "Kat, you and Sam go, home, okay?"
"Katherine, why did you say you can't help with this case?" Nick asked.
I smiled as I put a hand on my stomach. "Because I'm pregnant," I stated.
"Pregnant?" Nick asked. "When did this happen?"
"We went on a honeymoon, what did you think was going to happen?" I asked. "But yeah, I'm pregnant, Nick."
"With these supernatural things happening?" Nick asked.
"Kinda why we cut the honeymoon short when Dean said Cas was shot," Sam replied. "Which really didn't happen but we didn't know it at the time."
"Well, we're going to head out," I nodded. Sam and I left the precinct hand in hand. "We do have to look for a house."
"Yeah," Sam nodded. We walked around just looking at houses but the prices were just outrageous. "Katherine, we gotta win the lotto."
"Let me talk to Nick," I nodded. "I'm pretty sure that he won't mind." We went back to Nick's place and I checked the fridge. "Hey, Sam?"
"Yeah?" Sam asked.
"Can you to the store and pick up some fruit, yogurt, crushed granola, and groceries for dinner?" I asked.
"What are you making?" Sam asked as he closed the door from behind me. I turned to face him as I leaned back on the fridge. "I know your eating for two but what are my two favorites craving?"
"A parfait," I smiled. "And your making dinner." Sam leaned in and have me a kiss. "Please go so we can at least have dinner done by the time Nick comes home."
"Alright," Sam nodded. "No special requests?"
"No," I smiled and he left. I sat on the couch and began to flip through Netflix. I decided to watch Cold Case. Nick walked through the door and I looked at him. "You're home early."
"Yeah, Olivia sent me home," Nick sighed as he sat on the couch and took off his tie. "Where's your husband?"
"He went to go get groceries," I sighed as I paused the episode I was on. "Nick, I was wondering if we could stay here for a few more months. The houses we looked at are outrageous and it's going to take us a while to save up."
"I have a nice estates that you can have," Nick replied. "Remember when you were sixteen?"
"You can't possibly give me that house," I nodded.
"Katherine, you're having a child and building a family," Nick replied as he looked at me. "Expenses like that cost a fortune, especially when you're looking for a new house."
"Really?" I asked.
"I know because I have a daughter and an ex-wife," Nick nodded. "I never let her touch that house because my parents wanted you to have it."
"Nick, it's hard enough introducing you to everyone as my brother," I replied.
"What happened between us?" Nick asked.
"We broke up," I shrugged. "We had our differences. We couldn't do anything about it."
"You were a cheerleader, I was a thespian," Nick replied. "There was nothing difficult about us."
"Nick, stop," I nodded. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who broke up with me." He looked at me. "You were the one who ended things."
"Worst mistake of my life," Nick sighed.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"I still love you, Katherine," Nick responded. "I always have and always will, but I know you could do better than me."
"Better than you?" I looked at Nick. "Nick, from what I see, you're doing fine. I would've been happy to be with you." Nick looked at me with a look I couldn't explain. "Hey, you okay?"
"You gave me closure," Nick nodded.
"I said what I know," I replied. "I didn't know if you still loved me or anything." Nick sat next to me. "It's too late for all of this. I have a husband whom I love, and I'm carrying his child." I looked at him. "Just promise me you'll be a good god-father to him or her."

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