How He Found Out

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Chat Noir, one of Paris' most beloved heroes, sat on top of the Eiffel tower, bored as ever. It had been several weeks ever since the constant absences of Ladybug started, and several weeks of lame excuses. She would often say that she was either sick or tired as an excuse, but Chat knew better. Plus, there were barely any akuma attacks, which was one of the factors making his patrol boring and one of the things he was thankful for since Ladybug wasn't around.

Sighing, he jumped down from his spot and made his way to the ground. Once there, he spotted a nearby apartment and climbed the lamppost nearby it before swinging his way to its roof. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, intending to go home and get to bed early than usual. As he did so, he stopped briefly upon noticing the lights lit inside the room of a certain teenager, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

'Don't you even dare think about visiting her, kid,' warned Plagg inside his transformation. Chat smirked and shrugged him off before swinging and jumping his way to her balcony.

'Unbelievable! I'll have you know that I am starving to death for Camembert, and you know what that means, right?' and on cue, he heard a beep from his Miraculous. He raised his hand and checked how many segments were left, so far only 2 were left.

"Yeah, yeah, Plagg. Don't worry, I'll get your Camembert as soon as we get home." muttered Chat under his breath. Upon landing on the balcony, he immediately made his way to the trapdoor and gently knocked.

No response.

He knocked once again several times, but to no avail there was no response from Marinette. But then, a thought came to him:

What if he let himself in instead?

Rain immediately started to pour down, thus forcing him to enter the room. Hesitantly, he unlatched the trapdoor and made his way to her room. He scanned the room and surprisingly, there was no jet black haired girl to be found.

'Oh look, a diary!'

Chat turned his head to the right once he heard his kwami speak, and there it was, the pink and black dotted diary of Marinette on her desk beside her monitor. Chat shook his head and said, "No thank you, Plagg. I'd rather not snoop around Marinette's things,"The kwami groaned and said, "Whatever, you're too lame. Say, what if that diary contains the identity of the love of your life!"

He pondered on the thought for a minute, what if it does contain Ladybug's real identity? But then again, it's very ungentlemanly to invade someone's privacy.

Actually, just a peek won't hurt right?

"Plagg, if I screw up, you won't get your Camembert for a week..." he whispered to his kwami, who only hummed in response.

Sighing, he carefully grabbed the diary and flipped through its pages. There were moments recorded and feelings, too. As Chat continued to flip through the pages, one certain entry encircled in red caught his eye:

February 14, 2015.

He groaned upon remembering his failed attempt at professing his love to Ladybug that day. Just thinking about it makes him want to shrink in a corner and hide from the world. Shrugging the thoughts off, he began to read some parts of the entry.

It started off with her narrating about how school went that day and about a letter she wrote to a certain...he couldn't really read the name of the boy she wrote a love letter to, either she did not write his name legibly on purpose or it was really just because of her handwriting. But either way, that did not stop the cat from reading the entry. He would smile at certain parts of the entry, thinking about how carefree and cheerful Marinette was.

Oh how he wished he could see this side of Marinette as Adrien.

And with that, the entry ended. He was about to place the diary ontop of the desk until he noticed a small detail under the entry he read. He squinted his eyes in order to see the small handwriting written just below the smiley face she would draw everytime she would end an entry.

'P.S. Chat had something to tell me this morning while we were fighting Dark Cupid a.k.a Kim, I wonder what that was.'

Eyes wide, body frozen in shock, and hands shaking.

'Could it be...?'

* *

Marinette entered her room, seeing nothing other than her things in there. Everything was in place. She swore she heard footsteps and things being moved in her room while she was taking a shower. Was it her imagination playing tricks again? She blinked a couple of times before shaking her head and heading to bed, "I was probably just imagining things. Right, Tikki?" The little kwami flew beside her, eye squinted at her surroundings, "Possibly, but something doesn't feel right, Marinette,"

"Let's just hit the sack. I'm pretty sure it's all because we're tired from all the akuma attacks lately, come on,"

She climbed her way to her bed and tucked herself under the sheets, and Tikki flew over to the lampshade in order to turn the light off before proceeding to her place beside Marinette's head on her pink pillow.

"Goodnight, Marinette!" Tikki giggled as she propped herself on her pillow.

"Goodnight, Tikki..." mumbled the sleepy Marinette.

Meanwhile, a certain kitty cat was leaping his way to his home, causing quite a ruckus as he howled in happiness.

He finally found his lady, the love of his life.

"I found her! I finally found her!" screamed Chat in the night as he continued to leap from roof to roof to his home. He didn't care if people were starting to shout at him to shut up or if people were staring at him. All that currently matters to him is that she found her.

"Plagg, I'm giving you tons of cheese for this," he whispered to his kwami as he perched himself to the fence of his house before jumping into his room. Bright light engulfed the room as Chat's transformation wore off; he was Adrien once again.

"Nah, you owe me thousands of cheese for this." said Plagg as he flew directly infront of Adrien's face, who was staring dreamily outside.

"Oh come on, not this again! Snap out of it, kid!"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading the very first one-shot of this book, it means a lot to me! <3 Also, I hope you liked it! If there are any corrections I need to make, please notify me as soon as possible.

Thank you! :)

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