First Fight

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You came home after a long day at work to see that you're apartment is completely trashed. You hear yelling coming from your bedroom so you make your way there to find the entire 17 group huddled on your bed. Your room was a complete mess. "What in the hell happened to my apartment!?!" All of the boys looked at you, they weren't expecting you to be back so soon. "I wasn't talking to a fucking wall. I want this room cleaned up right now." It took them awhile to get up, probably still reeling from the fact they all got caught off guard. You waited by the door as each of them made their way downstairs to clean up the house. You stopped at Jeonghan, Coups, Mingyu and Wonwoo. "Y'all four are staying up here and cleaning my room. I wasn't expecting this from you guys. Coups, you're the leader, you should know better. Mingyu and Wonwoo I shouldn't even have to explain and Jeonghan you should have definitely known better." You stares at each of them, they all gave you a small apology except for Jeonghan who kinda just avoided any eye contact with you. "Now I'm going to go make sure the others do a good job and when I come back I want my room how you found it... Spotless." You turned on your heels and made your way downstairs but not before you heard their conversation.
"Jesus Christ Jeonghan, Y/N is more like an overbearing mother than your girlfriend." Mingyu never really liked you so I guess that's just what he thought. What you weren't expecting was Jeonghan's reply, "I know, sometimes I wonder if it's even worth staying with her." That comment stung and hurt like a bitch but you decided to wait until everyone left to say anything.

Once your house was clean again, you fed the boys and had them leave. When Mingyu passed by you on the way out, you let him know you heard him. "I cook well for an overbearing mother don't I?" His face was all the conformation you needed to be satisfied with your comment. When you closed the door and turned around to clean the kitchen you were met with a very angry Jeonghan. "Y/N was that necessary? Did you have to scold them like that? Remind you, we've all been busy and we just wanted to relax." You scoffed in his face and pushed past him to make your way into the kitchen. "You guys have been busy? Please you barely have an rehearsals since the building is being renovated, you have no concerts planned and your promotion for your new album hasn't even begin yet. Hell you guys don't even have a schedule yet, but no you're the ones who are busy? Spare me." It was silent for awhile so you turned back and looked at Jeonghan who just stared at you in amazement, "What?" you asked. He shook his head and rubbed his temple, "What has gotten into you? You come home cranky every night and tonight you blow up on the entire group, not to mention you've been acting like my mother." You were waiting for him to bring that up so you can honestly show him what blowing up means. "Oh I'm acting your mother? Well since you feel that way, why won't I just leave? You said it yourself, it's not worth staying with me over." You pushes past him and up to your bedroom. You locked your door and slid down the side trying to hold the tears in. 'Have I really been so uptight lately? I'm probably pushing him away and that's why he doesn't want a relationship anymore.' You got up off the floor and slid into your bed, after a few moments you let the tears run out, soaking your pillow.

"Y/N, please open the door. I didn't mean what I said when I was talking to Mingyu, I was just annoyed and frustrated with you...and a little humiliated. Please just talk to me?" You debated and whether you should open the door, but realizing as you were laying down in the bed, that it just didn't feel the same without his warmth. It felt cold and empty,s o you went and unlocked the door. As soon as you opened the door, Jeonghan crushed his lips against yours; you didn't kiss him back right away because you weren't sure on if you wanted to forgive him just yet. But as the kiss got deeper, you felt yourself slowly giving in until you were a puddle beneath him. "I didn't mean what I said Y/N, you mean the world to me and I'd rather die than to lose you." You smiled at his words and kissed his lips, "I forgive you, you big goofball." Jeonghan walked you back to your bed and laid you on top of your bed. "Tonight, I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me." Jeonghan rubbed his hands up and down your body before removing your shirt. His hands gently made their way down your body until they reached your pants. He slowly undid your pants button and slid them down and off your body. Then came your panties, he picked you up and held you against his body as he unclasped your bra and slowly slid it off, never breaking eye contact with you. He gently laid you back on the bed and kissed every part of your body, never missing any part of your body. You relaxed and enjoyed the sensations that he's giving you. He got off the bed and stripped in front of you slowly, letting you enjoy the view he was giving you. He lays back on top of you and coaxes your legs open. "Let me make love to you" Jeonghan slowly slides in you and when you bend your head back because of the pleasure, he grabs your chin and has you look into his eyes as he enters you. This makes the pleasure intensify. He locks your hands with his as he thrusts inside of you, he's whispering sweet nothings into your ear. He then picks you up and holds you tightly as he speeds up his thrusts. You can feel him reaching deep inside you as you try and match his movements. There's no other sounds in the room except your moans and his low grunts. Your climax comes as the hardest you've ever experienced. You close your eyes tightly as your body shudders from the intensity of it all. You feel him shoot his load inside of you as your name rolls of his tongue and he tightens his hold on you, his body stiffing for a few moments. Jeonghan lays you back down on the bed as he goes to run a hot bath for the both of you. He soon comes back and picks you up bridal style to the bathroom. You guys take a relaxing bath and you start to doze off in the bath. As your eyes close the last words you hear are "I love you my angel."

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