♡ Chapter 14 ♡

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'Wow this is insane..' You thought to yourself as you looked upon the gigantic building before you, shielding your eyes from the sun so you could get an even better look. You mentally kicked yourself since you assumed Stark Tower wouldn't be as extravagant as Tony Stark himself, boy were you wrong.

You had been gawking at the building for quite some time until you were snapped out of your hypnotized state by a hand lightly touching your shoulder, "It's overwhelming, isn't it?"

You turned your head to where the voice was coming from and were greeted by a warm smile  and squinted eyes, blinded by the sun as well. An attractive all American blonde man towered over you and you had to admit it was mildly intimidating.

"The names Steve, Steve Rogers." He removed his hand from your shoulder and extended it out to you.

"I'm (y/n)(y/l/n)."
"Ahh, you're here for Tony." His previously cheery tone was now replaced with what you could tell to be a disappointment one.

"I guess so."
"Well, you can just go up with me!" You noticed the cheery tone returned but it seemed slightly forced this time.

Steve led you deep into the tower and you two entered an elevator that quickly shot you all up to one of the top floors, "After you." He swiftly motioned.
'What a gentleman..'

The inside of the tower was even more extravagant. It was covered in more modern furniture and what appeared to be a ton of expensive technology you weren't familiar with.

"Ahh there you are! I was afraid you were going to bail on me again. I see you met Steve."
Tony merely acknowledged Steve's presence and led you off down the hall, with his hand resting on the small of your back.

The doors slid up with the faint sound of what seemed like an airlock seal being broken.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Tony said, throwing up his hands as he walked in before you.

You stepped in and the doors shut directly behind you. You jumped a little, startled that they act on their own.

"So let's get to the point. I know who you are."
"Well, I know that.."
"No. I know who you are."

You froze, hundreds of thoughts rushed through your mind at once, 'Was I not careful enough?'

"Don't worry, I'm not going to turn you into the government or something. Here,-" he said, taking your hand roughly in his, "let me show you something." He led you further into the large room and brought you face to face with a red and yellow suit of armor.

"Do you know what this means?"
"Am I supposed to?"
"I'm Iron Man. Like the Iron Man."

Although being born in America, you didn't grow up in New York City so you had no idea who that was, "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"Well, I'm a "superhero" according to textbook definition. Do you recall that man you walked in with, Steve?"
"Well seeing that it was like ten minutes ago, yes."
"Two words: Captain America."

Tony took in your blank stare as an obvious indicator that you had no idea who that was either.
He sighed deeply, "Listen, on behalf of myself and S.H.I.E.L.D. I'd like to formally invite you to become a member of the Avengers. We've seen your powers, we know what you can do. We know what you're capable of."

You sat there in an uncomfortable silence, looking down at your feet.

"If you know who I am why didn't you ask Deadpool too?"
"He's just not what we need right this minute."
"Then why do you need me?"
"Your powers exceed the usage of man made weapons, although I might be hypocritical for saying that, Deadpool can't be serious. We were interested in him and watched him as well, but he's rarely serious."
"That's just who he is!" You shouted, getting defensive suddenly, "And he's a damn good anti-hero."

You quickly turned on your heel to make a dramatic exit, the doors of the vast room flying open before you.

You had to admit you got lost right away until you ran into the man you met earlier, knocking you off your feet.

Steve caught you at the very last second and asked as he helped you up, "Oh I'm so sorry are you okay?!"
"Yes I'm fine." You laughed nervously, still trying to get the heck outta there.
"I still underestimate my strength sometimes, even when I'm doing something as simple as walking."

Your eyes met the elevator you previously came up in and as you heard Tony's voice calling your name, you booked it.

You threw yourself into the elevator, leaving a shocked Steve behind as the doors closed, leaving him out of view.

"Fuck that." You mumbled at the thought of Tony's offer. You couldn't just leave Wade on his own like that! Not that he needed you to survive, you just didn't want to abandon him, especially with his deportation threat looming over his head.

You walked out of the elevator and just ran for it. You ran as far as you could, making sure neither of them could catch you. They were still watching you however, and you knew that.

As you made your way back to your and Wade's place, you kept glancing over your shoulder every few minutes to make sure you weren't being followed as well.

When you finally got home you thrust open your apartment door and cupped your hands over your mouth to yell, "Wade, baby, we gotta go. Now."

Wade emerged from the kitchen, microwaveable chimichanga in hand, "Go where?"

You regained your composure and turned to start packing your bags, "We just have to go."

"Damn sugar tits, what the hell did you do?"
"I did my job." You responded, alluding at your new career in fighting crime.

"Did you kill a cop? You know those are off limits. Wait did you kill someone in Times Square or something? Are you going to be on the news?! Are we famous?!"

"No to all of that Wade, can you just pack your shit? And please call a rental car, we'll use my card."

'Damn having to be 25 in this country to rent a fucking car.'

"Not until you tell me what the hell went down today that you're so all out of breath over." Wade's eyes widened and his voice lowered to a whisper, "Are you cheating on me?"

"What? No! We aren't even officially dating."
"Do you wanna?"
"We'll talk about that another time, just please get to packing.

"What did you do?" Wade's tone was suddenly very serious.
You walked over and grabbed his shoulders, looking him straight in the eye, "We are being watched. I turned down a position with this place called S.H.I.E.L.D. or something. It has to do with superheroes. They might call the government on us or something since I declined."
"Wait a minute..that's that organization with Captain Bottom and Iron Top, or maybe Captain Top and Iron Bottom? Which one do you think is giving it and which one do you think is receiving it?"

You stared at him, dumbfounded. You let your hands slip from his shoulders and rest at your sides, "Wade, I just told you that they could inform the government about us, which will in turn tip off Francis, and all you're concerned about is who's taking it in the ass?!"

Tony Stark's perspective:
He was watching you run out of his tower and down the street as he felt Steve's presence behind him, "Well shit."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing, she just basically gave us a big middle finger when I asked her to join us."
"What a strange woman.."

♡ The Merc Who Stole My Heart ♡ (Deadpool x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant