Chapter 8

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America POV:

I hear people trying to wake me up but I ignore them. When I am awake I pretend to be asleep until the darkness takes me. Eventually, I pretend to wake up and am greeted by a doctor. A maid is sent to go get Maxon before the doctor tells me what happened. They think I will need support for what I am about to be told. After a few minutes, I hear footsteps and Maxon yelling " WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER. I AM GONE FOR A FEW HOURS AND SHE IS WORSE. YOU SAID THAT IF I LEFT THAT SHE WOULD BE JUST FINE. " Maxon yells as he rushes into the hospital and runs over to my bed.

" Nothing is wrong with her your Majesty, we just thought you should be here when we tell Queen America what happened." explains the doctor.

"I already know what happened." I croak. I explain to them everything I know. About Daphne and the babies. By the time I am done I am in tears, the full on sobbing type tears,

" Well Queen America, we know this will be hard for you and your husband, we suggest getting someone to talk to about this, it would probably help you feel better." says the doctor.

"Nothing will make me feel better, I lost my children. Daphne did this to me, she pushed me, she killed our children, she is a murderer!" I yell.

" I will deal with Daphne myself, right now all you have to worry about is getting better," Maxon says trying to reassure me, but it does absolutely nothing. I try holding back tears because I need to be strong for Maxon. Maxon sees my watery eyes and engulfs me in a big hug. The feeling of Maxon's strong arms around me gives me a bit of comfort and I let the tears fall freely and I turn into a puddle of tears. I haven't lost it in so long that I am afraid I am going to scare Maxon.

" Your Majesty, Queen Americas body is under a lot of stress, she should go to sleep now." says the doctor. Maxons arms fall away from me. He retreats back to the chair in the corner. I don't want to sleep so I lay awake for a while but my mind is to full. I page the nurse and she gives me a sleeping medication. I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

I wake up in my own room in Illea. We must have taken the plane home while I was out. I roll over and find Maxon sleeping beside me. I pull out all the tubes and wires that are attached to me, and cllimb out of bed. I half walk half crawl to the shower. I close and lock the bathroom door, I turn the shower on and sit on the tile floor and cry. I let all my bottled feelings out and all I can think about is how messed up these last few months have been.

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