Chapter 18

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Americas POV:

The next few months go by without incident. My stomach starts to swell until I look like I am carrying a small watermelon in my dress. My workload magically becomes smaller, but every time I ask Maxon denies doing it. While my days start getting easier Maxon gets more and more worried, he has this idea that if I have too much stress in my life that it will affect the baby. That seems to be his excuse for everything recently. Maxon can I go outside, it might affect the baby, Maxon, can I do some work, it might affect the baby, Maxon can I go for a walk, it might affect the baby. The baby is going to be fine but I am going to die from boredom before this baby is born.

Well, two babies to be exact, the discovery was made at the fourth check up. One little girl and a little boy. Two heirs to the throne of Illea, and two more reasons for Maxon to worry. The process of thinking of names has been going pretty smoothly, names such as Elizabeth, Eadlyn, Emilie and Claire for the girls and Ahren, Andrew and Warner have been popular names. I immediately shot down Maxon's idea for Maxon jr. for the boy. Being a royal is hard enough but being named Maxon jr and being royal sounds even harder.

Even though I spend a lot of time complaining I am grateful for a wonderful husband, two healthy children on the way, and the support from my family and from the people of Illea.

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