Chapter 19

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Americas POV:

"Maxon, would it be possible for me to have strawberry tarts and ice cream for dinner?" I glance over at Maxon from the couch in his office I am sitting on. My stomach is now the size of a large watermelon and because my due date is just around the corner Maxon thought it would be best if I stayed close to him at all times.

" What about me, what would I have for dinner?" He asks me, while he is reading the document in his hands.

"You could have whatever you wanted, I suppose." Maxon looks up from his paper, pushing the chair away he stands up, walks over and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

" I know you want to but I think it is best if we stuck to the meal plan the doctor put you on." I cross my arms over my chest, and frown.

" But chicken and broccoli is just not as good as strawberry tarts and ice cream, and you know it too." I know that I sound like a child but I am hoping this will crack Maxon.

" How about after dinner we can have a fruit salad as dessert. A fruit salad are you kidding me, Maxon. I crave strawberry tarts and ice cream and you think fruit salad will fix that craving if you were pregnant you would understand. With all the hormones running through my system it is not very hard to make myself burst into tears.

" But I want strawberry tarts and ice cream," I whine, the tears still streaming down my face.

" Oh sweetie don't cry, you can have a little bit of ice cream and a strawberry tart after dinner, okay?" I nod in agreement.

"Maxon can we go to the library to do some reading before dinner, I am so bored." Maxon moves to my side to help me up off the couch. We make our way out of Mason's office into the hall, moving at a snail-like pace from my waddling. Halfway down the hallway, something wet spreads down the inside of my thighs, which at first I think is pee but then I realize.

" Maxon I think my water just broke..."

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