q u a t r e

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"Wow, Marinette, these are amazing!" Alya exclaimed, flipping through the pages as Marinette observed and felt the materials they had fetched.
"Thanks," she muttered subconsciously, finally settling on a few materials she liked. Handing them to Adrien, she smiled brightly at him and quickly explained what she was thinking. His eyes took in her glowing face and bright, happy eyes, full of passion for the topic they were working on and he smiled. He watched her fingers point out each area as she talked and felt his heart flutter.
"Mari- don't worry. Anything you make will look incredible, I'm sure. You've chosen great materials and these are great designs."
She blushed. "Should I start work on prototypes or just send them to your dad and advertise?"
"Both." Their teacher instructed, walking over. "As your teammate says, these are stunning designs. If I were you, I'd make a prototype for your advertising campaign and one to show Agreste Inc exactly how you want the stitching and so on. Alya and Adrien can help write instructions and Nino... Nino can fetch the material and set up a stall for you to sell from."
Marinette nodded, taking in every piece of advice. "Can I go-" she began, but the bell to signal the end of the day. "Oh, don't worry. I'll work at home. Do you three want to come round to mine?" She offered to her team. They nodded and Marinette packed up her sketched and swatches of materials. Swinging her backpack onto her shoulder, she and Alya lead the boys to Marinette's home.
"Hi, Stella!" She called to her friend. "Don't mind us, we're working on the dress code for the Winter Ball."
Stella came out of their shared kitchen to greet Marinette and her friends. "Hi, everyone, it's great to meet you!" She grinned, the smile lighting up her perfect features. She had her waist-length golden curls pulled up into a messy ponytail to keep them out of the way and she wore a white vest top and black 3/4 length jeans. Her smooth skin was tanned and she had a soft smattering of freckles over her perfect nose. Mascara coated eyelashes framed her eyes, one a pale blue, one so dark it was almost black. Adrien felt his heart beat faster as he met the woman and he could see Nino scanning his eyes over her, not unlike his own actions. Alya hit Nino to slap him out of it and Adrien blinked himself quickly from the daze.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Stella." Adrien smiled, averting his eyes so he looked just over her shoulder. "But much as I'd love to stay and chat, we have a lot of work to do."

The four team mates sat in a circle on Marinette's floor, browsing through her designs. "We need to choose one to send to Gabriel Agreste and one to advertise with at school." Marinette told them. Alya pulled out a few, Marinette picked up another two and Adrin and Nino handed her one each. She scraped the others up into a neat pile and placed them to the side. She neatly lay out the chosen designs. Alya had chosen three short dresses with short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Marinette had pulled out her favourites, a single strapped design that fell to the floor in an ombré waterfall of pinks and purples; and a shorter dress with spaghetti straps, a sweetheart neckline and a dipped hem. Adrien had chosen a black dress with blue chiffon layers over the skirt and Nino had picked out a white dress paired with a denim jacket.
"Stella?" Marinette called as their decisions ground to a halt. A head stuck up through the trapdoor.
"Which are your two favourites?"
Stella pulled herself up to sit between Adrien and Nino who both promptly blushed. Her eyes scanned the designs and she grabbed the black dress and one of Alya's choices. "Do this black one and then make this one with the chiffon on the skirt." She said and slipped out of the room.
Marinette nodded and grabbed her sketchbook, new ideas filling her mind. "Bye." She mumbled to her housemate as her pencil danced across the pages.
Finally, she was ready to bring her designs to life. She looked up, ready to send Nino to collect her resources and laughed quietly. Nino and Alya were gone and Adrien was dozing, sprawled over the edge her bed and falling onto the floor. She checked the time- 10:00PM and realised how desperately she ought to sleep. It wasn't the first time she had been so absorbed in something, and was surely not the last. Rubbing her eyes, she lifted Adrien from the floor and placed him on her chaise lounge, draping a blanket over him. She brushed her teeth and swiftly changed into her nightie before crawling into bed. The moment her head tapped the pillow, she was asleep, dead to the world as her exhaustion caught up with her.
Adrien's eyes opened a fraction and he smiled as he saw his princess dozing so contentedly. He too soon fell into a deep slumber, his dreams full of him and the beautiful woman in his class. The beautiful, smart, creative woman he loved. The  beauty known as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

{Bonjour, mes amis💕 I hope you're liking this so far- and I think you are! I've had about 15 votes since uploading chapter three so I don't think I'll be uploading every five votes like I promised😂
Maybe every twenty? Depends how popular this chapter is and how quickly I finish chapter six and get onto chapter seven. Chapter five  has more of Stella in- I think she's my favourite OC I've written about yet!- and I plan to keep her involved more and more.
If you want, I may include a little of Chat being Chat and fighting with Ladybug? Maybe. But it's not that necessary as Marinette isn't Ladybug (tbh I'm thinking Stella might be idk).
Anyway, keep voting, keep commenting and I'll keep writing! I always love feedback and any ideas are very helpful please and thank you
Ooh, also follow me on Instagram! I have @fabulousarendelle, @briarrxse, @thedisneyselection, @watercolourxng and @bitsandpiecesofbeauty}

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