That's what the Witches side of the Council for Supernatural Creatures told me anyways.

I'm a nice person a lot of the time, so I give help to those who need it. I put my friends first above anyone else, so...

Yes, I sort of helped Ariel the other day when she needed to hide from Jacob. But I didn't help her in the way she needed me to. I did something a little different... So, I may or may not have done something wrong...

Like the entire opposite of what she wanted...

I made her scent stick out more to Jacob, and he can see her throughout large crowds. He'll thank me for that later when he sees me and my mother. I did a lot of other things, like made her heat show up a lot sooner than it should, but oh well.

Technically, I am helping her. Her mate finds her, he helps get her away from Freya and the horrible side of her "family", gains her trust, gains her love after a little while, they mate, get married, have pups, and live happily ever after.

The End?


You see, I think there's actually a little more to their story than that. I think there's a lot more to happen than that. Maybe I'm right. Maybe I'm wrong.

I may be breaking a ton of werewolf and witch laws here, but I'm doing this for the greater good. They'll understand. I'm also great at covering my tracks, so I won't get the blame for this. Seriously, I actually am.

I'm not as bad as Freya. Now, she breaks some serious laws. Abuse, torture without permission from the Council, slavery to name a few. I can always get her severely screwed for this. I think she needs Ariel to go into heat at one point. There's my shit fixed.

Sometimes, life's most beautiful thing can be the worst thing that's ever happened to you.

I think that's what Ariel believes Jacob is to her. The worst thing to come into her life with her situation, perceived by other wolves as the best and most amazing gift you could ever receive, is a mate. A connection of love to someone who she was made for, destined for. A connection to someone outside of her family and friendship circle.


Do you know the story?

If you do, you may need to listen to it again in a lot more detail.

If you do not, allow me to tell you.

There is a legend from long ago about a girl. She has had a terrible life and has a haunting past that she has to deal with on a daily basis. Nobody knows that much about her, only that she is definitely a full werewolf from a strong line of wolves and has an Alpha mate.

I don't know who this person is. No one does.

But I think it is someone I know.

It's either Ariel...

Or Amethyst.

It makes sense for both of them- but it depends who's the worthiest out of the two.

Heck, it may not be one of them two. It could be someone else- there's a shit ton of Alpha mates out there. And not just in real life either- there are the ones in the legends too.

But Amethyst...

I know her story. I'm the only one who "she can really trust anymore." Her own words, I quote when I say that, not mine. She told me once when she was drunk- on the anniversary of quite a few deaths. When she woke up the next morning with a hangover, she begged me not to tell anyone else. Nobody knows that I know.

And I am sorry for her. I truly am. I know that she was scared about the school setting on fire. It wasn't the first time it happened- it may also never be the last. She thought it was her fault. I explained to her that it in fact wasn't her fault, that some mundane idiot was messing around with a lighter and a few cans of deodorant. It took a while, but I finally convinced her.

I also know the reason why she's been off 'sick' these past few days too.

I heard from someone that she's looking at going into another pack. I don't want her to. Her mate's nearby and she would realise it if  she would only stop worrying for five minutes about the person who haunts her in her sleep.

Nobody wants her to leave again. She can't. Not yet anyways. She's still got some things to do here.

But whoever the legend focuses on, let us hope that they are a good wolf and not like certain wolves we have met and have yet to meet along the course of this tale.






Apologies for Ashely's little rant. I was bored and wanted more in the chapter. Lol.

I know this was a short intro/filler chapter but Ash is pretty damn important. There will be Jacob in the next chapter later on as this was a New Years Eve update but I was working all day and was at home for 3 hours, including showering and food to go back to work for a bit. And I got back at 2am. So HAPPY NEW YEAR ANYWAYS GUYS! 🙌🏻

Question: How badly do you want to know more about Amethyst's story?

My Answer: I'd like to know more, and I'm writing it. But this song is very helpful to the plot:


-M.W. *poof of chocolate*

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