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Your POV

I'm so happy cause spring break is here! I run into the house passed mom, Adam, Jin and Ross and plop right on my bed. "Yes! No school for a whole week!!" Mom came upstairs and told me to come downstairs because she had to tell us all something.

I walked downstairs and she said, " I've decided that we should all go on a vacation for spring break!" Everyone in the room cheered and we all got to packing.

Time skip to vacation (P.S: Your going to Arizona)

Your POV

After a long plane ride we finally made it to Arizona. We checked into our hotel (Which was Huge!) and chilled for a little until we went to the hotel pool. We were the only ones there so we got the pool to ourselves. Before I could put down my towel all the boys ran past me and mom yelling, "COWABUNGA!!" And then they jumped in the pool.

Jokes on them cause it was freezing! We asked a worker if they could turn on the heater so they did and we waited for the pool to warm up. So far this has been an awesome vacation!

Aphmaus POV

LOL all the boys were still trying to warm up after they jumped on the pool but I can still see Ross shivering! Ok back to Easter plans. "Ok people!" I said, "I need ideas for Easter cause I have no clue what to do!" Everyone laughed and then Ross said, " I heard the hotels doing a Easter egg hunt on Saterday and there will be food!" We all agreed we would do that on Saterday and on Sunday (AKA Easter) we would all have a feast

"Awesome! We are all planned out!" We all cheered and thenAdam said, " I don't know 'bout you guys but I'm starving lets go eat!" We all agreed and pigged put the All You Can Eat Meat shack!

Third person POV

As the vacation was going good now, and big surprise was in store for F/N and her friends!

Thanks for reading this Chapter of my story and I'm sorry if it was short! But anyways I hoped you liked it and don't forget to Comment, Vote, or subscribe!! :D

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