Chapter 12

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We were all in the living room. The past few days had been off. Everyone was tense. Rosalie had moved away to Volterra with Demetri.

Alice had been feeling rather down.

“How could I have missed it?” She kept asking herself over and over. It was getting annoying.

“Alice.” Edward would mumble once in a while.

“But..” She started again.

Emmett and I were sitting in the sofa. I was cuddled next to him with my eyes closed.

“Alice, you couldn’t see because of Jacob, you know the wolves blind you. Besides, Rosalie was good in keeping her thoughts away from Edward. I could feel her nervousness. She was always so careful. And to be honest, well, you weren’t watching her. We were all so busy worrying about Bella and Nessie.” I told her trying to relax. Emmett pressed me harder to his chest.

“She’s right Alice. Besides, I don’t think Rosalie would betray her family.” Esme replied.

“Why don’t you go see if Nessie wants to eat something. She’s outside with Jake.” Jasper told her.

“Fine.” She responded and got up.

“Do you really think Rosalie will keep to herself. I’m sure Aro will want some details on our family.” Edward said. My eyes were still closed. I had a headache and I was trying to sedate myself.

“I am not sure.” Carlisle responded. I could feel his sadness and concern. I was sure Jasper felt the same thing. I opened my eyes.

Alice came in smiling with a glass of cranberry juice. I knew it was for me. All of a sudden she stopped in her tracks and dropped the glass. She was having a vision. I stood up, Edward was tense and Jasper was by her side.

“They’re coming, the Guard, Aro, Marcus, Caius, Jane, Alec, Demetri and Rose.” Alice said suddenly.

Esme gasped and covered her mouth. I’m sure that if she could cry she would of.

“When?” Carlisle asked.

“Looks like in a few days time.” Edward responded.

“What do they want?” Jasper asked looking directly at me worried.

“Aro saw Natalie and Reneesme in Rose’s thoughts. They want to meet them.” Alice responded.

“NO.” Emmett said pulling me close to him.

“We knew this was going to happen sooner or later. The Volturi have always thought our Coven has become stronger and stronger and they feel threatened. Now with our newest additions, I’m pretty sure they feel more insecure about us.” Carlisle answered sympathetically.

“When he saw Reneesme at first he thought she was an immortal child, now he’s just curious.” Edward said.

“But, why are they bringing the Guard?” Bella asked.

“I think they might try to pull us apart. They want a battle.” Alice responded.

“I see no point in a battle.” Emmett responded.

“For us, it makes no sense. For them, it’s a way to show that they are still in command. That they are the rulers. And we are just mere coven.” Carlisle answered.

“What are we going to do?” Jasper asked.

“There is nothing to do. We will approach them when the time comes. Make them see we pose no threat.” Carlisle said sadly.

“Alice, do you see the outcome?” Edward asked her.

“It’s 50/50. He hasn’t fully decided on whether he wants to destroy us.” She said sadly.

By now, Jake and Nessie were with us.

“The packs will fight.” Jacob said angrily. Carlisle nodded.

Now, all we could do was wait. They would be here in a few days time. Three days to be exact.

“I wont let them touch you.” Jasper said to me feeling my nervousness.

“I know.” I said to him.

“We wont let them destroy this family. For once and for all, we should show them what the Cullen Coven can do.” Emmett said angrily.

I tightened my grip on his arm.

We all just decided to spend the rest of the day as a family. Who knows what the full outcome of our little encounter with the Volturi would come out to, so we wanted to spend the evening together, enjoying our time as a family.

I loved all of them so much. My life had made a full turn to the best. And now, it could all just end in one simple day.

I sighed next to Emmett. Jasper was beside me with Alice next to him. He was holding my hand. I tightened it a bit.

Jasper had earned a place in my heart. My ‘father’.

All I knew, was that I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt my family. No one would destroy my happiness.

“Enough sulking.” I said getting up. “If they want a fight, we will give them one. Edward mentioned they have some powerful vampires. Jane, she caused pain, right? Well, we have two shields. I think its time to practice our powers, make sure they don’t have the upper hand. They also have Alec, he blinds you, there must be a way around there powers. I haven’t fully used mine in a while. I think we should practice.”

Emmett stood up, Jasper following.

“She’s right. If they want a fight, we shall give them one. They will be surprised.” Emmett said with a laughter that shook the house.

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