Chapter 7

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Time seemed to pass so quickly here. It had already been a year since I had first arrived at Forks.

Now, graduation was already around the corner. I was in school, together with Bella and the Cullen family.

School was okay, even though there I was unable to be close to Emmett. They had a thing about gossip. Since everyone there new all of them were “together” it seemed inappropriate for me to be with him in school. Which was an odd request.

All the boys in school were so annoying. They were always asking me out and tried to be around me.
“So, movies tonight?” Asked Mike Newton during lunch.

I sat with Bella and her friends, Edward was also with us. The rest of the family were at there usual table.

“No, thank you.” I answered as coldly as possible.

“How about dinner?” asked Eric.

“No.” I said annoyed.

“How about some ice cream after school?” Asked Tyler.

I heard a low growl come from the Cullens table.

I sighed and shook my head.

Edward was smiling. He seemed amused.

‘Its not funny.’ I told Edward in my mind letting my shield down.

‘It is from where I’m sitting.’ He answered. ‘Emmett is debating on wether to just come and take you their table.’

‘Now he cares.’ I said turning to see Emmett and shaking my head ‘no.’

Our relationship was great outside of school. We would even go out hunting together. We would spend hours just laughing and we always had something to talk about. Let alone, pull pranks on Edward.

But here in school, I was just like any other girl. He would hang out with Rosalie like they were still together, which annoyed me.

“Hey, Natalie!” Some kid, I think his name was Daniel, called to me. I turned to see him walking fast toward our table. I heard Emmetts low growl and I turned to see Jasper holding him down.

“How about this weekend you come with me and the others to the beach? Its supposed to be warmer, you know, with spring coming around.” He asked.

“Umm..” I turned to see Emmett. “You know, I think that’s a good idea.”

Edward looked like he was concentrating on me but I had my shield up.

“Bella, you want to come with us too, we havent seen Jake in some time.” I told her.

Edward put his arm around her.

“Sounds like a plan.” She told me, grabbing Edwards hand.

The bell rang and everyone got out of the cafeteria. I waited for Emmett, he had a look on his face that could kill.

“If looks could kill.” I told him as Rosalie walked out.

“Why did you agree to go with them?” He said in between his teeth, his eyes going suddenly black.

“Why not? You don’t own me Cullen.” I said coldly. “Besides, it’ll give you time to hang out with Rosalie..”

“What?!” He said.

“Here, you pretend I don’t exist. I cant take it anymore. If you and Rose still have feelings for one another, I say you work it out. I’m tired of being the one in the middle. After school, we hang out, go out, and sometimes we don’t, but here, its like you don’t even know me. I cant handle it anymore.” I say and leave him there staring at me.

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