Chapter 4

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“This starts way before I met Alice.” He said looking at her. “Why you never saw this, is a total mystery, and honestly I was a bit ashamed myself to tell anyone. As you all know, I was turned into This when I was with Maria. Well, soon after I killed her, I went out on my own. I moved to Italy.

Soon after I met a young human girl named, Samantha Smith. I was very attracted to her and I was shocked by the way she saw me. She was not afraid of me at all. We would see each other every night and one day, I decided to take it to the next step. She agreed. Weeks later I received a letter telling me Samantha had died. I was very upset. I decided to leave. I came back to the States and seven years later I found a girl who had some similar features and my long lost Samantha. Again, I fell for this human girl, her name was Amanda Swanson. I decided to move quicker with her since I was afraid of losing her but her scent was so alluring. We became closer and also weeks later I found out she had died. All this time, I had no idea what was happening. I thought I might be poisoning them. I soon found out that indeed I was, but not in the way I thought. I found Amanda’s newborn baby and before they could harm her I took her to a shelter. She looked human and smelled human, so I knew she would be same. My daughter would be safe. In order to keep her safe, I decided to leave her be. A few years past and I heard she had gotten adopted and they had named her Annie Jones. She was a very beautiful girl. Soon enough she was old enough to get married and she did. She had three girls and two boys. All human. I was glad to see that. I decided to leave once again and forget all about my lost loves and daughter. A few decades later, right before I met Alice, I saw the most gorgeous creature. She was so amazingly beautiful and graceful. Her name was Grace Smith. We fell in love. I for once thought I would be able to change her and keep her forever, but fate had another thing waiting for me. We had a son. His name was Michael Swan.”

“No…” Bella said and Edward embraced her.

I held Emmett’s hand tighter and he hugged me. Tears were beginning to come out.

“As Michael grew I knew he was different, he was not like my daughter. He married to a pretty girl, Analiese Knight. They had 3 children, Ana, Charlie, Michael jr. I later figured out that Analiese was Annie’s granddaughter, so she was also related in a way to me.

Michael, my son, had developed some powers, he could make people do what he wanted and he used it for bad purposes. I felt guilty, he had also developed a thirst for human blood. He began murdering people so he had to be stopped before the Volturi came to murder all the family. I had no other choice than to end his life.

10 years later, after Alice found me in that diner, I had just received word that my great grandchildren had been all married and had their own family. Charlie Swan had two kids, David and Karen. Ana had one daughter, Natalia, and Michael jr had two kids, Charlie and Amanda. I was happy that they were happy and I could finally have a life with Alice.”

“Okay, so let me get this straight, Bella and Natalie are related to you.” Esme asked confused.

“Yes.” Jasper answered.

“But, almost to nothing, right?” Carlisle asked.

“Too Bella, yes. Too me, I’m not that lucky. What Jasper failed to tell, was that my grandmothers scent was too alluring to him. He could not keep away. My grandmother is Amanda. She had a daughter, Iris, who had a daughter, me. Now, Amanda had a relationship with “Jason Whitlock” who happened to disappear when Iris was born. Iris married to a man named Samuel Whitlock, who then, had me. Now, what Jasper doesn’t know is that Samuel is his son. Who in turn married another descendent of Whitlock. So, to make it all less confusing, Jasper is my great-great Grandfather while to Bella he is almost nothing. Jasper must know some of this or he would have kept away. Amanda must have known also about Jasper. She kept a picture of him. Now, Amanda died shortly after my mother was born, but not before describing her long lost love, Jason. After my father learned the truth he killed himself. Now, Samuel and Iris were both half vampire half human. When I was born, I was ¾ human, and more vampire.” I said looking down.

“What?” Bella said shocked.

“To make things easier for me, my mom, Iris took me to her cousin, your grandfather. We lived with him. I remember, Jasper coming in the evenings and visiting me and my mom. It was always a secret. Of course, I was just a baby. Your dad grew up thinking my mom was his sister, when in fact they were cousins. After your dad was old enough to see my mother wasn’t aging, we left again. We tried to forget. To forget our crazy life. We would visit you and dad and mom, remember Bella? You were small and fragile, I would always look after you. I remember going to La Push with you and Jacob. He was always so friendly. Then we stopped going again because of course I wasn’t going to age. We said I was a couple of months older, when in fact, I’m a lot older than you.” I said the last part to a whisper.

“How old are you?” Bella asked quietly.

“She’s not that old. She exaggerates, her body is frozen at 17. But if you want to count every single birthday, even though it doesn’t matter, then she would be 34.” Jasper said as a matter of factly which made me mad.

“It might not matter to you, but it definitely matters to me!” I said getting up angrily.

“Whoa, whoa.” Emmett said holding me against his chest. I felt so comfortable there. It was amazing.

“What happened to your mother?” Carlisle finally spoke.

“She was killed. She was killed protecting me. All I found were her ashes.” I said sobbing into Emmett’s chest.

“Oh, its okay dear.” Esme said handing me some tissues.

“Do you have a special power? I can read minds, except for Bella and you.” Edward said frustrated.

“And why can I not see your future?” Alice said annoyed.

“Well, I am a Shield, and so is Bella, though mine is a lot more stronger, thanks to Jasper. I am able to block any type of mind reader and future seer, I can also block Jasper. My mood will not be affected. I am like my grandfather, I have the power to persuade others, and I can read any mind I choose too.” I said.

“Wow.” Jasper said almost proudly.

Everyone else seemed intimidated by me. Which is why I never shared my little secret with anyone.

“Would you like to get some air?” Emmett asked.

“Yes, please.” I told him.

“This is rather quite an interesting day, isn’t Bella?” Edward said as Emmett and I walked out.

I really did like Jasper, it was just all the confusion of my life and my parents life, that it just didn’t seem fair.

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