Chapter 6

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Rümvo watched Charles tend his peculiar garden. He had a strange expression on his face, something serene but at the same time it was kind.

Yet, he was an awkward creature. Stepping around her as if she was made of frailest materials. Muttering strange things under his breath and jumping at the slightest sounds.

Like prey, she thought, clutching her garment closer to her chest. It was difficult to admit but she found the creature to be rather... cute.

Blush crept up her cheeks as she looked away from Charles. There was nothing that embarrassed her more than finding love. Especially in another creature that she was unfamiliar with.

Nonetheless he was the one who she frightened when she first arrived and he was also the one that began to teach her the unfamiliar things that the creatures used here everyday.

Her fingers touched her wet hair. The shower was something she thoroughly enjoyed. Warm water that cleansed the sensitive human skin, and the scented fragrances that made her skin glow with rejuvenation.

It was a recommendation that Sam had insisted she use after her first visit to what the strange creatures called grocery store.

A convenient thing that despaired her. A wall made entirely of cold meat had excited her for a few moments she thought her talents as a huntress would come in handy, but when she bought the idea to Charles, he quickly explained to her about the ways of the world.

"Rümvo, you can't hunt every day here. The park has it's rules. Only a few weeks in a year can you hunt, and that's only a limited amount to at least five animals."

Her eyes wandered back to Charles, his rather handsome features hidden beneath the unruly hair and a large contraption that he called glasses, something he said that helped him see better.

She passed by the mirror, catching her reflection. It was definitely different than the white skin she had in her homeland. Her features gave her the appearance of a rather weak creature but beneath her clothes, she still managed to keep her fit form.

Would Charles find me pretty? she thought. With silent steps she slid open the glass door and stepped out into the garden that Charles kept.

"Charles?" she spoke, her bare feet feeling the soft ground.

The young man stood up, plucking the gloves from his hands, "Yeah? Did you need anything?"

"What's a girlfriend?" she murmured, crouching low, her bare toes digging into the fresh soil. Charles coughed for a moment before rubbing the back of his neck. A nervous tick that she noticed.

"Well it's a friend who's a girl," he murmured, his eyes darting back to the flowers he so lovingly attended to.

Rümvo nodded, "I see." She nibbled her lip, "Do you think I'm pretty?"


Jesus Freaking Christ, Charles thought, heat rushing towards his cheeks after Rümvo asked the question.

It was torture for him. Every day he had woken up thinking about her. The flush cheeks she had every morning, the wild bed hair that looked positively adorable of her petite features.  The way she nibbled her toast, or the way she downed pieces of bacon. Or how she had developed a sweet tooth, the chocolates he had in his flower shop being her favorites. It was strange, her presence in his home provided a rather comfortable bubble. It didn't help that with his developing feelings towards her, he tried to avoid her, not wanting to break the said bubble. Almost as if he was afraid to break the trusting friendship between them.

And now she was asking him of all people.

He coughed before nervously adjusting his glasses, "Um, eh. Rümvo," he began, meeting her gaze, "I, um. Well, I'm not the most qualified person you should ask."

Rümvo tilted her head, an innocent expression on her features.

Blood rushed to his cheeks. She's beautiful, he thought. He wanted to tell her, but he was a coward and fear of rejected love always made him lose so many opportunities.

But she asked.

Charles stood up, gripping his gardening gloves in one hand and adjusting his glasses in the other, "Rümvo, I don't know how you looked like in your world but the way you look right now," he paused, "You're beautiful."

He didn't stay to see her reaction, instead, he ran back inside with the excuse of needing to make a call, however that excuse turned into answering the doorbell that had sounded throughout his home.

Curious, he opened the door, his gaze meeting his mother's.

"Mom, you're home early," he said, bewildered.

"Oh honey, it's just that your father and I got tired of our little vacation," she said, barging in leaving up to his father to bring in the suitcases, not letting Charles explain his current predicament.

"So how's the store?" his father grunted, rolling the suitcases through the door before closing it.

Charles ran his hand through his hair, similar to his father's, "Eh, it's alright. Lots of good income."

"Charles?" a soft voice said.

Charles muttered a curse under his breath. He had hoped to slowly break the news to his parents but it seemed he would have to break it.

"Ehm. Mom, Dad, this is Rümvo my-"

"Girlfriend," Rümvo said, a smile on her lips as she extended out her hand out in friendly greeting, just as Charles had shown her before.

Charles felt his jaw drop.

He could already sense the consequences coming, the mischievous glint in his mother's eyes.

Oh crap.

The Exiled HuntressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora