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   Today JC and Kian started there prank war. They asked if I wanted to join I kindly declined. why? because I wanted to get used to the house and get comfortable. I asked could I invite a few friends over and Sam and Trevor INSISTED we have a party so we all called over some friend and told them the party would be at 7:30pm and I invited Jace and my old friend AJ ( alice johanson). Sam invited connor,r some odd reason ricky, kian,jc,trevor and me and trevor invited shane, trisha, and corny ( a dog) and they call came.

  "hey K" (jace's nickname for me) " whats up Jace??" "can I talk to you in private really quickly" says Jace" we walk to my room and I am kind of nervice and he says some words that make it worse but better " I want to tell you something" I am sitting on the edge of my seat biting my lip trying to not look nervous hoping he says what I hope he says " I...I... like you and I want to know do you want to go out with me????" "YEA I mean uh yes" we hug and walk out my room holding hands...


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