Chapter Sixty ۞ Captive

Start from the beginning

Instantly, she shut her mouth. Omar grabbed her bound wrists and towed her away. "Come." The boy said.

"Lock her up, make sure she doesn't escape."

Valeriana did not know what happened, but she found herself being put behind bars. Omar shook his head at her as she sulked in the corner and gave him the meanest glare she could muster. The boy shook his head and walked off.

"You earned that."

"I did not earn anything!" She told him with spite. "This is misjudgment! Injustice!"

Omar rolled his eyes. "Emir, watch over them."

"Will do." Emir nodded. His body was riddled with scars, his skin dark from too much exposure to the sun. He had a sturdy built that made him look like he came out of a wrestling match.

She hugged her knees close to her chest and complained loudly, "Really. They are cousins alright!" She exclaimed. "It runs in the blood. They're jerks. All jerks. Jerks. Jerks. Jerks. Jack-asses. Meanies. Stuck-up pricks. Ugggghhhh! Why don't they listen? Prideful dudes. I don't get their egos!"

"You! You are called Valeriana, right? Where is Corvan?" A person next to her whispered. "You should know where he is! You were with him and Gavin when he left."

Valeriana jumped when she heard the question and saw Alovia staring at her from across the bars next to hers. "Oh, Jesus!" She exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that. I've had enough of people scaring me to death."

"He needs to get me out of here. These people will kill me!" Alovia looked genuinely struck with fear as she eyed the guy outside. He had that constant glare as though it would make her shut her mouth and stop her from complaining—which worked, actually.

Valeriana rolled her eyes. "As you can see, you aren't the only one they're holding hostage. If it isn't already clear to you, I don't exactly have an idea where they are right now." She told her.

"I don't know what he saw in you."

"Oh. I don't know too." She shrugged. "Probably because I'm not chasing him, insisting I be his fiancée and all those stuff. It really is unsightly for girls to . . . push themselves into guys."

"Then what did you do to garner his attention?" Alovia fumed. "We've known each other since childhood. While you . . ."

"Word of advice." Valeriana points up a finger. "Love gurus say guys don't like desperate girls and are into girls who give a chase. I guess it's because it keeps them excited." She then paused and realized how she sounded. "Ew, that sounded weird. I'm not implying I'm like that with Corvan, though. We aren't even—wait, that sounded wrong. I'm not trying to say that I—"

"Are you telling me you did what?"

"Look. Can we stop talking about this because, clearly, it doesn't make any sense. And don't get me started on Corvan. He's . . . we . . . ugh, never mind. Now I'm ranting because I'm upset. Don't talk to me."

"I'm not done—"

"I said don't talk to me. I'm trying to think." She told her. "I need to know where they're hiding Avaro."

"I am—"

The man outside the bars the two of them were locked in glared at Alovia, forcing her to shut her mouth. The countess could not do anything in exception for cowering in the corner. Traumatized, obviously, she pulled her knees close to her chest and started sobbing.

"I didn't know things would be like this. Please let me go home." Alovia muttered. "I just want to be home."

Distracted by her sobs, Valeriana rolled her eyes. "What are you crying about?" She muttered.

Orison | Celeste Academy Series BK #3Where stories live. Discover now