Chapter Fifteen - Antioch's Past

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Jael, Antioch, and an unconscious Michael appears in the Yohm of palace. The angelus of the King of the Gods surrounds them with their weapons drawn. Jael walks over to Antioch and snatches Michael away, letting him hit the ground. He places restraints on both his brother and the young guy.

"Be careful," Antioch says sternly.

"Silence, prisoner."

"Don't forget I'm your brother."

"That means nothing to me."

"I meant that I could kill you anytime."

The horns play as Yohm appears at the top of the pearly white steps. He stands adorned in sky blue robes, with glowing eyes that match. Hair that's black as night cascades down his back. He gives off an aura that influences a change of emotion in the room. He descends the stairs, approaching the trio and angelus, taking note of the battle damaged armor of Jael and the torn clothes of Michael.

"Welcome home, Antioch," he says in a calming yet powerful tone. "I wish it was on different terms. However, you have broken a taboo among the gods by letting this boy live."

"It is a taboo that I created, which means I can change my mind anytime."

"You're no longer the God of Judgment, Antioch, I am," Jael says. "The taboo stand and you've broken it. What's more, I've gathered all of those who conspired with you."

The angelus walk up with Stargas, Thun, Lunari, Azrael, and Hesia, all shackled and marked as prisoners.

"You're all here today because of your involvement with demigod. I've questioned you personally and have come to the conclusion that Azrael and Lunari are exempt of all accusations of colluding with Antioch. However, Stargas, Thun, and my wife are guilty and shall be confined to a separate cell from Antioch," Yohm says.

"What about Michael?" Antioch asks.

"He will be executed."

"I knew it. That's why I requested for us to be sent here. Yohm, I ask you as a friend. Hear this man out before you go through with it. Don't just kill him as if he is some evil creature."

"He is the son of Ramial!" Jael yells. "Why even consider his life, Antioch!?"

"Because he's gone through a lot. Michael is a good person that was dealt a very harsch hand in life. Please, Yohm, hear him out."

The King of the Gods stares into the eyes of his old friend. With a heavy sigh he says, "I shall grant your request. Take them away."

The angelus heeds his words, all of them vanishes from his sight.


Jael and his angelus take Michael and Antioch to their cells. He tosses the young guy on the floor, before locking Antioch into the cell next to him. He turns to walk away.

"Wait. Can two brothers talk or are you that mad with me?"

Jael stands with his back turned, thinking about what Antioch just said. He signals his men to leave, turning to give Antioch his full attention. "Don't think you can manipulate me as well as you did those fools. Our blood will not have any barring in your situation."

"I wouldn't dream of it considering how much of an ass you've become."

"What did you say to me?"

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