"Calum, you are my best friend. I don't know anyone else." Ashton pleaded.

"Why don't you hire one of those twenty four hour boyfriend things?" Calum asked.

"I've called every business and they all need four three days notice. I don't have three days. I have two." Ashton groaned.

"I also have to get the three of us outfits. What am I supposed to do? Not to mention the other zillion things he has me do. I have to get his laundry and take it to his house. Then I have to take his car to get detailed. He never drives his car. Plus I have to have the file for the winter line alphabetized according to color. What does that even mean? This guy is a pain in my ass and I have only been working there for a week. I barely know how to use the fax machine." Ashton groaned laying his head down on the restaurant table.

"Why don't you just quit?" Calum asked.

"I can't just quit. He owns GQ. If I can stay on his good side I could finally land my dream job. Come on Calum you know how important working at GQ is to me." Ashton sighed.

"Are you sure this guy even has a good side?" Calum chuckled.

"Calum, this guy doesn't have a bad side. I promise you'll be the talk of the night. Plus you get to keep the suit you wear." Ashton wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm not doing it Ash." Calum shook his head.

At that moment Ashton's phone rang loudly.

"I have to take this."

"We're at lunch." Calum huffed.

"It's Luke. I'll only be a second." Ashton said apologetically.

"Luke, hi-"

"Okay, I'll get right on that."

"I have your outfit picked and on it's way to your office now."

"I don't quite have a date yet, but I'm working on that right now."

"I understand."


Ashton hung up his phone and let out a whine.

"He's going to kill me if he doesn't like the outfit I picked. And I have to go meet him his designer to get the new proofs for the scarfs. And he doesn't understand why I don't have a date for him yet. Ugh, what am I going to do?"

"Get your whiny ass and let's go get me a damn suit." Calum huffed as he grabbed Ashton's arm and drug him out of the restaurant.

"Wait, you're going to go with him?" Ashton asked hopefully.

"Yeah, but you owe me so big." Calum growled.

"Oh, Cal, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Ashton bounced gripping Calum's arm.


"This is the guy you got for Luke as a date?" Karen asked admiring Calum.

"Yeah, do you think he'll like him?" Ashton asked nervously.

"If he doesn't I do." Louis Tomlinson, the page designer of GQ, spoke walking by and giving a small wink.

"I can't think of anyone that wouldn't like him." Karen smiled causing Calum to look embarrassed.

"Braxton, where are the scarf proofs and my outfit?" Luke asked walking in not looking up from his tablet.

"The proofs are on your desk and the outfit is in your closet." Ashton answered proudly.

"Who is this man standing in the middle of my lobby?" Luke asked finally looking up.

The devil wears Versace (Lashton)Where stories live. Discover now