Chapter 17

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You placed your hands on kilis legs to only feel him play with your hair so you smiled to only hear him say

"I always thought you had beautiful hair"

As he said that you felt a smile grown on your face to only feel yourself make shapes on his legs so you smiled to only hear him say

"I'm being serious like when I first saw you like the very first time I saw you I couldn't keep my eyes off how beautiful your beautiful
Y/H/C hair looked in the sun and how beautiful you looked it was love at first sight for me I don't know about you"

"It was love at first sight for me to"

As you said that he pulled you closer and wrapped his legs around you so you smiled to only him say

"Can I put a courting braid in your hair please"

With that you smiled to only hear yourself say

"I would love that"

With that you sat up straighter to only feel him kiss your shoulder so you smiled to only his lips leave yours and his hand in your hair so you smiled and just sat there allowing him to braid your hair, allowing him to what ever he wants to you because you love him more then anything no matter what your friends say you will not stop loving him.

A few hours later
"I have to go back my friend is waiting for me"

As kili said that you felt him stand up so you held onto him tightly to only hear him laugh and say

"I have to go I can't stay"

"But I just got you back"

"Come back here later on tonight I promise I'll be here"

As he said that you let him go to only feel him pull you up so you stood up to only feel him pull you closer so you wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel his lips crash work yours so you kissed him back to only feel him deepening the kiss so you pulled apart then said

"Your friend wants you"

With that he groaned then said

"He can wait"

With that you laughed a small laugh to only hear yourself say

"No go"

With that he groaned then kissed your head so you smiled to only feel him pull apart and walk away so you watched as he did to only feel a smile grow on your face so you allowed it to only feel yourself walk away back to your place knowing that kili still loves you, knowing that he still wants to marry you.

A few hours later: kilis pov
"Ok well I'm going to bed now"

"Ok goodnight"

As I said that Bilbo walked away so I say back in the chair and waited for him to go but before he disappeared in his room he turned around and said

"Oh by the way why where you smiling tonight like all night you have been smiling"

As he said that I stood up, made my way to my room but before I could walk in my room I turned around and said

"Today I just realised that my life is perfect and I have a perfect someone to spend the rest of my perfect life with"

As I said that he laughed a small laugh then said

"Haha ok well like I said I'm going to bed"

With that he walked in his room so I walked up to my coat put it on then got a blanket from the cupboard and made my way to the lake to only noticed that I was thinking about Y/N and having her body pressed up against mine so I smiled and just continued on walking to the lake.

Your pov
"Ok well goodnight Y/N"

As grace said that you heard her bedroom door close so you stood up got your coat and walked to the lake hoping you'll find kili there, hoping that what he was saying is true that he will be there. You got to the lake to only see him in the water so you smiled undressed yourself then got in the water with him and as you did you made your way up to kili.

Kilis pov
As I was washing myself I felt someone's nice warm breath hitting my skin and I felt them kiss shoulder while their hands moved down my body so I moaned to only hear Y/N say

"I thought I would never hear that sound again"

As she said that I turned around to see her standing there so I smiled, pulled her closer to me to only feel her back hit the wall of the river so I smiled, kissed her neck to only hear her moaning so I lifted her up so she was sitting on the river bank and so I was still in the water so I moved my hands up her legs to only hear her moan and to only hear myself say

"I thought I would never hear that again as well"

With that she smiled so I did the same then she bent down and kissed me so I kissed back to only feel myself get out of the water and get on top of her so she pulled me closer to her so I pushed down her to only feel my lips leave hers and meet her neck and to only hear her moaning so I smiled and I knew right there that I wanted to marry her tomorrow no tonight I wanted to marry her now and become her husband the father of her child I don't care what fili says my heart belongs to Y/N and no one else.

Please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘✌🏻️❤️💚

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