Chapter 11

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Kilis pov
I kissed Y/Ns shoulder to only myself pull her closer to me so i rolled her over and got on top of her to only hear her say

"Do you really want to get married to me"

As she said that she sat straighter so I kissed her to only feel her kiss me back so I pulled apart, took her courting braid in my hand and smiled then said

"I love Y/N I really do, you mean the world to me and I'm not just saying that because well because we have sex but because you do, you know when I left to go on the journey to reclaim erebore back I wanted to confess to you, to tell you that I love you but I didn't so I promised myself that I would come back and confess to you and I did now I want to marry you, I want to show you love the way no one has ever showed you, please believe me that I want to marry you because I do"

As i said that Y/N looked at me to only see mw looking at back at her so she smiled her beautiful smile  then said

"I love you to kili"

With that i kissed her so she kissed back and well you know what happens next.

A few hours later
You laid in bed taking in the touch of kilis lips kissing your shoulder while he pulled you closer so you smiled to only hear Bofur say

"Kili your brother is looking for you"

As he said that you heard kili groan so you rolled over, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. As you kissed him he kissed back then rolled you over so he was on top and you where on the bottom so you pulled apart before it could go any further then said

"You have to go"

As you said that he sighed then said

"But I want to stay with you I love you Y/N"

"I know and I love you to but your the king remember"

"Then I'll walk away from the crown please Y/N"

"No kili don't please go"

As you said that he kissed you so you kissed back then he pulled apart and said

"I will always love you"

With that he got off of and got dressed then walked back home so you rolled over wishing he wasn't going back, wishing you and kili could just get married.

Kilis pov
I walked in to only hear fili say

"You get married next month"

As he said that I felt my heart break so I walked closer to him and said

"I thought we won't be getting married for ages now"

"Well I change my mind"

With that he walked off so I walked back to my room wishing I wasn't getting married, wishing the person I was getting married to was Y/N not the princess of iron hills.

Please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘✌🏻️💚❤️

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