I started to hum as I worked my mind keeping itself occupied while I carried out the dull task of stacking games onto the shelves. Max was working behind me and I could feel the tension in the room build as he became more and more irritated.

                “Can you stop,” Max grumbled.

“Jesus Maximus give it a rest,” I growled.  “It wouldn't kill you to be even remotely happy for like two minutes.”

“And it wouldn't kill you to use my actual name either,” he countered.

“I'll use yours when you use mine.” I glared.

“Avery, would you please stop being so annoying and shut up.”

“I will when you stop being so annoying and shut yours.”

I stacked my games in silence giving him a false sense of hope before belting out the loudest song I could think of.

“Oh my god,” Max gasped.  “Are you aware that comparing you to a dying cat would be a complete insult to the dying cat?”

“If you're implying I can't sing then yeah I'm aware.” I shrugged. “Not everyone can sing you know. I bet you're no better.”

“Anything is better than that noise you were just making.”

I tried to ignore Max but he was pacing back and forth the shop with boxes in complete silence and even that was irritating me. I turned to him finding my hands pause at my stacking.

                “What?” he asked uneasily.

I said nothing.

                “Why do you keep staring at me?” he pressed. “Please refrain yourself Avery.”

                “Shut up,” I snapped flustered. “I’m staring because…because…”

                “Because what?” he asked a hint of amusement in his tone.

                “Because you bother me,” I said with an exasperated sigh.

                “What?” he laughed.

                “You’re like this big mystery that everybody wants to solve, it’s irritating, and you enjoy it.”

                “Maybe,” he laughed, “but really there’s nothing to solve. I just want people to leave me alone.”

                “Why wouldn’t people leave you alone?” I asked.

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