Chapter Three

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I cuddled myself closer. The town was so much better at night. No one was around to spoil the view. I tucked my hands into my pockets. Night was always a good time to think. The only sound was a few stray cars or the crickets in the grass as I passed an overgrown area. The street lights flickered on and off around by the smaller older looking shops while they stayed bright in the newer industrial areas. I ordered a collection of Chinese food and accepted the bag the sweet scent making my stomach grumble. Yet I still wasn’t ready to return home.

                A video game would have been perfect. And so that's what I did. I found a place to sit, a bench outside a group of tattered looking shops. Pulling out my phone I began playing the classic phone game, snake. That’s when a hand slithered its way down my shoulder. My body froze entirely.

“What's are you doing out so late huh?”

The voice dripped like a horrible sticky liquid.

“None of your business that's what!” I attempted to snap but my voice came out muddled and scared.

“Stand up.” The voice spoke from behind me again the hand never moving from my shoulder. Slowly my whole body trembling I stood up.

“Drop the phone,” they spoke.

“I don’t think so,” I mumbled. “I’ve seen this in the movies.”

Something cold touched the back of my neck. Something sharp and cold only just touching my skin. I felt my nerves prick and my heart thudded against my chest. I dropped the phone and listened to it clatter against the floor. He had a freaking knife.

“What do you want?” I asked. “I don’t have any money on me. I spent it on food. My phone it pretty rubbish too. Not worth much. Please just let me go.”

“That’s not how this works,” the voice hissed. “Turn around.”

I froze when I came face to face with my attacker.

                “Oh my God,” I mumbled numbly. “You’re a super. “

                “A villain,” he corrected. “A supervillain. Now empty your pockets.”

I blinked at him. Perhaps it was stupid and perhaps it was just the ridiculousness of my situation by I couldn’t help but smile.

                What are you smiling about? You’re being mugged!” he snapped.

“What-what are you wearing?” I mumbled. He was taller than me though not by much, he was stronger than me too. I might have been scared if it weren’t for his clothing choices.

“No one laughs at Zelda,” he glared angrily.

“Are you aware that is the name of a really cool fantasy game?” I asked trying to put on a serious face. “Oh and tip, I think you put your pants and tights on the wrong way around.”

Zelda, as he called himself, was wearing a pair of black tights with what looked like navy blue panties over the top. A tight t-shirt covered his upper half. The guy was ripped, his muscles clear. He still looked ridiculous. On his t-shirt was some kind of black symbol in the shape of swirled lines and Zelda was written across it in golden letters. To top it all of he wore a cape and mask. Perhaps what made me laugh so much was that he reminded me of my old friend Abby’s brother.

                “Don't you think you're a bit old to be playing dress up?” A bit my bottom lip and feigned innocence.

“How dare you?” he glared taking a step forward to me the knife pointing straight at me.

“Let’s put the knife down shall we? I promise I’ll make you sound scarier when I tell my friends.”

“You have no idea what you’re dealing with,” he growled.

I don’t know what happened but the connection between my brain and my mouth and even my limbs started failing and I couldn’t seem to comprehend the seriousness of the situation I was finding myself in. Before I knew what was happening I was pushed to the ground. When I had focused enough to remove the haze I looked up expecting to find myself staring up at Zelda but in fact I was looking at some other guy's back.

“I think it’s time you move along Zelda,” the new super warned.

“Don’t you have bigger villains to destroy,” Zelda growled. “Let this one go.”

“I don’t think so.” The knife was snatched straight from Zelda’s hand. I had never seen someone move so quickly. “Now go away or I’ll show you just what the point of this knife feels like.”

Zelda returned the growl but just like that vanished into what seemed like thin air leaving me completely lost for words. It didn’t take long for them to return though.

“Excuse me!” I stumbled to my feet dusting the dirt from my dress. “You just knocked me over!”

New guy turned around a look of arrogant shock in his eyes.

“I just saved you. A thanks would be nice.”

“No, you bloody knocked me to the ground with your little stunt there,” I hissed. “I had it under control. The guy was were tights for goodness sake.”

The guy placed his hands on his hips and that's when it clicked. This was The R from the paper.

“You could have been killed. You weren’t doing a good job of talking your way out of it.” The R looked at me through slit formed eyes.

“From who? Speedo over there? Are you kidding?”

The R was suddenly trying to suppress a smirk.

“Speedo?” he repeated.

“Well yeah, that's what he was wearing.” I shrugged. “Not that you're looking much better.”

Oh the anger hath returned.

“This is the best of all of the heroes. Its waterproof, the chest is bulletproof and it’s like having armour for skin.” He glared.

“You look like you're wearing a five year old boy's clothes.”

“Says 1960's.” Oh so now he was referring to my wardrobe.

“It's not 1960's!” I growled “It's vintage.”

“Meaning old.”

“Idiot!” I snapped.

“Listen here,” he growled. “I know your new around here, you reek outsider, but you’re already making a load of enemies. I’m not one you want to make. Understand?”

“I thought heroes were supposed to be saints.” I scowled.

“Well,” he said calmly, “we all have our weaknesses.”

I gave him a final glare and stormed off in the other direction my arms crossed tightly. I could feel his eyes on me right until I rounded the corner.

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