The Truth

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You didn't want it to be that way. You wanted to tell them everything in the way you thought was right, if you can even call it that. But it didn't work that way. Your brain just wouldn't let you phrase it any other way. It didn't even let you think about your words or your actions.

"I'm from an other dimension."

That's what you said while holding Lussuria's hand in a fierce grip. He promised to believe you no matter what and you were grateful for it. Your knees were wobbling, your hands sweating. The only thing that seemed to not be showing nervous symptoms was your face. You had a calm expression on your face and didn't break eye contact with Xanxus, while the others were all just silent.

And this silence was killing you at the moment.

There were so many things you wanted to say right now. Maybe crack a joke or cough or something like that, you would do anything to make this awful silence stop.

Though you didn't had to do that, because Lussuria did it before you.

"(Y/N) that's ridiculous."


"L-Lussuria? But you said you would-", the flamboyant male quickly pulled his hand out of your grasps and took a step back, joining his blonde comrade on the left side of the room, leaving you completely alone. Maybe you were wrong with your thoughts. Thinking that Lussuria, the one who was always the "mother" part in all the fanfiction you read, would protect you, believe you and support you... maybe it was the wrong thing to do all along.

This was the Mafia after all.

Why should he believe you? This wasn't some kind of fanfiction where everything would go smoothly. You told the truth and no one believes it. And if you lied they wouldn't be able to trust you at all and may have been suspicious of you the whole time. It didn't matter what you did, the Varia was never a place where you would be welcome immediatly with open arms. You somehow got the feeling that at the moment where you put the necklace on and went to bed with it... at the moment you recieved the necklace... at the moment where you stepped inside the store... at the very moment you and Sam arrived at the carnival...

...your destiny here was already decided and sealed.

"Ushishishi~ Look at her eyes. All the hope she had... shattered~", Bel laughed to himself as he held an weirdly worried looking Mammon in his arms.

Without noticing, the small Arcobaleno decide to flee from the scene and somehow just disappeared into the air. He opened a window and flew through it. No one noticed his disappearance and even if they would, they wouldn't even know where he was going anyway. The only thing they would get to know was that this was urgent...

"VOOOI, then I say we should kill this girl!", a certain rain guardian roared through at least the half mansion, waving his sword around in different directions. "Squ-chan, you can't just ki-" "Shut up. You're annoying.", Xanxus, the boss suddenly spoke up.

Somehow you couldn't spot disbelieve in his eyes while staring into his crimson orbs, but more something like... interest maybe?

"You, Kasuga. Speak."

Flinching at the harsh tone, you only nodded and gulped down the little bit of fear you felt, and started talking. You knew what he wanted to hear, though you doubted that he would like it, and honestly... you were more afraid of what would happen after you told them everything.

"I also told Lussuria the story when he found me in one of your residence's rooms. It all started, because my best friend Sam and I went to a carnival. He promised me to take me to a store for some fanarticles of my favorite show and... when we finally arrived there an old woman came up to me. She gave me the necklace I'm wearing right now and told me to protect it for some strange reason. When I came back home, I put it on and went to bed with it and then the next thing I know is waking up to Lussuria entering what I actually thought was my room. Well, the rest is... basically.. history..."

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