The first Contact

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"And who might you be dearie~?"

That was it. The voice of one of your favorite characters and most likely the mother role for you from now on.

Right in front of you stood the one and only Lussuria. Sun Guardian of the Varia and propably the only gay member in the group of males. The sun glasses wearing male hummed as he waited for your answer, swinging his hips lightly. That's when you realized that the green haired male asked you something and you still didn't answered him.

"Oh, I-I am (Y/N) (L/N)... and you are Lussuria, right?", you asked, a bright smile suddenly taking over your features, as you silently began to fangirl in your mind.

This was so exciting!

"My, yes I am. How did you know that, dear?", the taller male said and sat down onto the bed in which you were still sitting. Immediatly you began to squeal and engulfed the kind man into a tight hug. "Oh my god, that's so cool! I always wanted to meet you and the others! You were so cool when you fought against Ryohei, a shame you didn't win, but ooohh~ the fight was great!", you fangirled right before the one and only Lussuria, rambling on and on, until you just took the blanket and covered your face with it to squeal into it one more time.

Lussuria just giggled at this and patted your head softly, making you look up at him with admiration clearly visible in your (e/c) eyes.

"Thank you, sweetheart, but would you mind telling me how came in here?"

Well... how could you explain that? You can't just say something like 'Oh yeah, I was on a carneval and this strange woman gave me a necklace which send me to you'. You would only say that if you would die for sure...

...maybe you should say it, you're going to die here anyway.

"Um... you see, I-... uh... I was on a carneval with my friend, Sam, and we walked into this store with different fanarticles about yo- A s-show we like! And then this old woman approached me and told me to take this necklace, and I did. After that I went home and went to sleep, but when I woke up... well, I guess you know the rest.", you explained the flamboyant male, who only looked at you with a smile and a tilt of his head.

However, soon Lussuria stood up and walked towards the wardrobe, opening it swiftly and pulling out a simple (f/c) colored dress.

"Here, put this on. You have to look nice when you meet Squ-chan and the boss~", he hummed out, also taking out some black sandals for you to wear. "What? Squalo and Xanxus?! Are you crazy? They're going to kill me! ...Well, maybe Squalo will scream at me until my eardrums explode, but Xanxus is seriously going to shoot me to death! With wine glasses or his X-guns, I don't care, but he will do it!", you exclaimed in utter shock.

The green haired male just giggled, seemingly amused at the fact that you were so nervous.

"It's interesting how you know so much about us all. I'm sorry, but I need to take you to my boss, he needs to decide what we'll do with you.", Lussuria hummed with such a sickening sweet smile, it scared the living daylights out of you.

Of course, this was the Mafia, but... Lussuria always seemed to be the one who would cooe all over a girl like you, at least it's always been like that in the fanfictions you read.

"Fuck these Mafia rules...", you muttered and stood up to get dressed after Lussuria left the room singing, most likely tellking his comrades to esemble in their bosses office. "Yeah... I'm screwed.", you thought out loud, letting your forehead meet the palm of your hand, creating a wonderful slapping sound.

However, you already despised the fact that you had to wear a dress. Yes, it was in your favorite color, but being in the situation you were in right now... maybe wearing pants and a T-Shirt would make a better first impression than an 'innocent' and 'girly' dress, which would only show how 'fragile and weak' you were... like every girl in their opinion.

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