Chp 2 - Ex's and Oh's

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Alright alright alright! I'm back! Now, I'm pretty sure you guys know the drill by now, but just for you newbies rolling in......

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Alli's POV

"Thank you!" I yell back to the hotel assistant as I walk out the doors.

I sigh and plop the bags into the back of the rental car.

"Ready?" Weston asks as we enter the back seat.

I nod in reply, way too happy too speak. Kaylyn is on the left side of Weston while his dad is driving and his mom is sitting in the passenger seat. I smile at Kaylyn and whisper a good morning.

She smiles back and mouths a good morning as well. I sit back in my seat, just wanting to go home. So much has happened and I need a little rest.

Weston's dad pulls out of the hotel entrance, leaving behind the safety of the room. I lay my hand down beside me, only to feel the texture of jeans.

Weston turns to me, smiling. He pulls my hand off his thigh, and massages it in his hand. I blush at the tingling feeling.

I turn to Kaylyn, and she's trying to keep her cool. She's silently giggling, holding her hand over her mouth and her eyebrows twitched up in a playful way.

I roll my eyes, and turn forward, looking at the vast riches of the -

Traffic. GREAT!

* * *

We roll on into the drop off section of the airport, allowing a driver to pick up the rental and check it out of Mr. Koury's care.

All of us grab our suitcases and head into the airport.

The drive to the airport took forever. Seriously! Traffic was that bad. It sucked. The only part that benefited from being in the car that long was that I got to get to know his family a bit better.

Yeah, real fun, right?

Before we left the hotel, Mrs. Koury stopped by the computer room and printed our tickets.

Yay to no waiting in another line!

But nay to waiting in the security line!

Whoo hoo! (leaves to barf in trash can)

"This'll be fun." I mutter.

* * *

"Move along." The security guard points across the room.

"Thank you." I smile and walk quickly to my bag, waiting in a bin a few hundred feet away.

I drag my sneakers along (they were starting to feel like cinder blocks!), bringing it towards my bag and plopped down in one of the chairs.

I shove my shoe on, regretting the time I spent this morning tightening the laces. I look over my shoulder to grab my other shoe, and see the back of a head that reminds me of my time in Texas...

Someone I haven't seen in a while... Like at least a year...

"Jacob?" I whisper, my voice cracking, "Is that really you?"

He lifts his head, and turns towards me, "Yep, that's me." He grins, confirming my knowledge.

"It is you!" I gasp, embracing him. Jacob hugs me back, allowing his hand to softly grasp the back of my head.

"I missed you." He whispers into my ear.

"I did too," I pull away, "You know, I have a boyfriend now." My face falls.

"I heard."

"From who?"

"Your friends told me." He smirks.

I should have known that was coming, I think to myself.

"Well, do you want to meet him?" I offer.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugs.

I scan the area, looking for my Weston, and find him slipping his shoes on a few chairs away.

I walk over, keeping Jacob behind me, "Weston!" I call, grabbing his attention.

"Hey, Alli! Ready to get something to eat before the plane takes off?" He smiles.

"Almost," I start, "But I'd like for you to meet someone."

I pull Jacob from behind me, and a wave of regret runs over me as Weston's smiling face turns into a scowl.

"Weston, meet Jacob Satourious, my ex."

Weston glares at him, and Jacob gives him the Go-Die-In-A-Hole look.

Ohhhhhh no. What have I done?!

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