A fallen angel

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~Through Astrids's eyes~

The wind hit my face. Stormfly flew between the trees. I looked behind my shoulder. The dragon who chased me was right behind us. And it came closer.

"Faster Stormfly!" I screamed over the wind.

I wouldn't let it take me. We had to be smarter than the dragon. Smarter than the Nightfury. I commanded Stormfly to fly faster. Something very small hit my lips and I swallowed it. Ewh! I choked. Stormfly slowed down and landed at the ground. I felt disgusted. I can't believe I swallowed a fly!!

"You okay, Astrid?" I heard Hiccups voice behind me.

"Yeah. I just- bleh..- swallowed a fly." As I said that, he raised his eyebrows and started to laugh. And not like giggling but laughing like he almost fell off Toothless.

"Did it taste good?"

"Ugh. Hiccup! It's not funny!"

His smile disappeared and he started to walk slowly towards me. "Of course not! I mean, the fly could be a poisonous fly. And now you can get sick...-" he gasped and covered his mouth. "-or even die!!"

He's so dumb. It is so annoying when he is sarcastic. He always is.. But it's kinda a part of his charm. He smiled at me. His cute, little smirk. Gosh, I love him so much! I've missed these moments so much. Just being with him. Not doing anything special. Just goofy around.

I can thank Victor for that. He has helped Hiccup a lot lately. And I can see Hiccup is very grateful, but I think it lays more down than helping with the chief works. Victor have become an uncle for Hiccup, and I know Hiccup has become attached to him. Plus: Hiccup has more spare time. I can't complain about that...

A hand on my cheek woke me up from my thoughts. I stared right into two emerald eyes. Hiccup placed his other hand on my waist and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes. My fingers ran through his hair. And for a moment, we just stood there.

"I think we have to go back." He whispered. His lips tickled my ear. I nodded, but didn't move a muscle.

"Are we going to do anything about it?" He asked. I felt his lips turn into a smile by my ear.

"Nope." I answered. He pulled away so he could look at me. As expected; he smiled. I made an "sad face". He leaned slowly towards me and said quietly:

"Let's race."

Suddenly everything went really fast. First of all, the hands on my hip and chin disappeared. I immediately jumped on Stormfly and she took off. Hiccup and Toothless were right behind me.

I started to see the village, and I looked behind my shoulder to look for Hiccup. But I couldn't see him. I stopped up. Where did they go? I flew a few meters back as I looked for them. Suddenly I saw Toothless. He stood on the ground. Thank Thor! They're okay!

We landed next to Toothless.

"Hiccup, you dork. What's goin...!!" I didn't see it from the air. But now. I saw it clearer than I wanted to. My stomach turned. A lot clearer than I wanted to.

I can't believe I didn't see the arrow that's stuck in his arm.

A/n: Hey guys! Long time since last chapter... I know, I'm sorry. But you know. School. Lucky me start 2 months summer vacation now. So I'll try being better!

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