"You like that babe?" She whispered into my neck and the warmth of her breath made everything worse. I can't... I shouldn't feel this way about a girl. It's not right and my mom won't accept it. I took a deep breath to build up courage.

"Alison...please get off of me," I reluctantly said as closed my eyes and I held my head back. This has to be the most frustrating situation that I've ever been in. Ali looked at me confused, not understanding why I'm pushing her away.

"A-Are you okay? Do you need some orange juice or is it your leg or-," she began to ramble on as she worried about what could possibly be wrong with me. I helped her climb out of my lap and sit next to me.

"No I'm fine. It's just that...I already told you that I don't like you," I nervously told her as I looked down and play with my thumbs.

"I know," she answered sadly looking like a kicked puppy. Ahh man I definitely messed up and hurt her feelings.

"Well then why do you keep on-"

"I don't know, Emily! I don't have the slightest fucking clue and neither do you!" She snapped at me.

"Neither do I?" I look at her like she was crazy. "What are you talking about, Alison?" I asked, completely confused by her sudden outburst.

"I'm talking about you! You're doing this to me, Emily! I barely met you and I already don't want to let you out of my sight...I've never felt this way before, not even with Hanna. Hanna and I's relationship has always been mostly physical...but with you...I crave more. Of course I yearn to touch your body, but I also want more from you. I want to tap into your mind and talk about stuff with you. I want to do simple things like hold your hand and argue about whether or not a tomato is a fruit or vegetable-"

"It's a vegetable, right?" I interrupted her.

"It's a fruit, but that's besides the point. I like you, Emily. I like you a lot. I know that you don't feel the same way and I'm trying my best to respect that, but I'm sorry...it's just too hard. I'd be a fool not to pursue you, Emily. And my father didn't raise a fool. Please just...just don't push me away. I don't deal very well with rejection. And having it come from you will just make matters worse. Please give me a chance, Emily. I never beg for anything, but you are my only exception," she softly smiled as she grabbed onto my hand. Just as I was about to respond, her phone rang.

"It's Hanna," she gulped as she picked her phone up with her free hand.

"Answer it," I encouraged her as she continued to stare at the phone.

"And interrupt our time together? No way! I'll just text her that I'm busy and call her back later," she nonchalantly shrugged as she put her phone aside, "Now...let's get back to sex," she said as she tried to climb on top of me, but I stopped her.

"We weren't having sex," I pointed out, sternly.

"Not yet," she countered as she licked her lips playfully.

"You're impossible," I groaned as I reached down to massage my calf. It was starting to throb and bring about slight pain. I tried my best to be low-key about it so that Alison wouldn't notice. But the look on her face said otherwise.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it?" she changed her whole demeanor and had a softer facial expression.

"Maybe a fiv- ahhh okay so I'm definitely at an eight and a half, slowly approaching nine," I yelped in pain as I just sat there with my eyes shut and clenching my fists. There's normally some pain medication that I can take, but it's super strong and I don't feel like knocking out right now. "Can you help me up?"

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