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Bro was sitting up in his bed, beads of sweat ran down his face and his chest. His gloveless hands were holding his head, gripping his hair tightly. Dave... Dave.... Dave.... That was the boy's name. But who was he? Bro groaned and fell back on his bed. He knew that boy. Somehow. And he was going to figure it out.

A couple of days later, he was standing in front of the door to the room that he had never gone into. He didn't think it would help much but maybe he could remember more things about Dave. He drew a sharp breath, his chest was hurting again. He set his hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open.

He knew that room was bare, but that's not what his eyes saw. Inside, there was a bed, another set of turntables. There were two desks, one were pressed against the wall by the window and the other was across the room with a computer on it. There were a lot of wires on the floor, running from one side of the room to the other. And over the bed, there was a wire that had a couple of pictures on it.

Bro set down on the floor where he saw the bed, resting his back against the wall and looked around the room.

There was a website pulled up on the computer. Bro stood and looked at it. There was a comic pulled up, Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. Bro's eyes narrowed and he pulled out his phone, typing the title of the comic in.

That was familiar. That title. He had seen it before. He knows he has. Once his phone loaded, his eyes widened at the first link.

"Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff: The Movie By David Strider"

Now that Bro knew where he knew the title from, he searched the director. David Strider. Dave Strider. God, what was happening? He pressed his back against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor, strolling through the results. He froze at the picture that he found. He looked just like the kid in Bro's dreams.

The blonde hair, pale skin with light freckles and the round aviator shades. He even had the the blank face. Bro clinked through a couple of links and it led him to a chat room called Pesterchum. And it seems like David had one.

Bro shook his head to himself. He couldn't do this, he couldn't start calling to this guy just because he had a few weird dreams. But he did make a pester, timaeusTestified [TT]. Once that was does, he quickly clicked out of the site before he did message him. Bro looked around the room once more before nearly running out of the room. He needed a drink.

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